Looks kind of dorky too me, but if you think it’s good you are probably right. I don’t know anything about Star Trek.
I like the one where the vintage car is racing down the street. Something is chasing it with red and blue strobe lights. The car goes over the cliff and the young kid barely gets out in time.
The police vehicle is a flying machine, the cop looks like a futuristic soldier and he says “What is your name?”
The little boy stands up and proclaims proudly “My name is James Tiberius Kirk!”
THAT is a perfect scene.
Bummer. I don’t do quicktime.
Sorry, that's a deal-breaker.
Maybe I am too old or not hip enough but it looks boring to me.
I’ve been getting interested in Star Trek: Enterprise on TV lately though...
ooooooohhhhhhhh, ping for later!!!
Muppet Babies!
Could be interesting. Notice they’ve got the gratuitous sex thrown in for good measure......
your link has crashed, frozen actually, this compy twice
O DAMN that looks cool.
Live long and prosper!
Possibly a very interesting Star Trek movie, especially for those of us who remember when the original Star Trek came out and watched it.
There’s a premise that I see a lot in the movies these days. It’s one that proposes the best leaders were the worst kids. That’s NOT a great message to send out to all the kids that will go to see this movie.
I wonder how far they will take this premise into the movie. Is he a rag tag scoundrel until he is gifted leadership? Once again, not a very good message for children viewing the movie.
BTTT ( For later not-at-work viewing)
Are there any clues there on how to get the Ferringei out of the White House?
later ping
I hope this really is FINALLY a return to the Anti-PC BC that infested star trek franchises in the last decades.
Garbage. Sorry. But, it is.
This looks absolutely awesome! I can’t wait to see it. Syler will make a great Spock!!
This looks like the recent attempt to re-do the classic 1960 film "The Time Machine." The 1960 original had top-rate actors, Wells' greaty story, imaginative F/X, and holds-up very well despite a small budget. The 2004 remake is huge, loud, a departure from the Wells novel, had a big budget, and is a loser that disappeared after six weeks at the box office.
Hollywood's attempt to remake iconic stories has failed 95% of the time. The new Trek contunues the trend. It is clearly a Dress Up movie: young actors (kids) playing grown-up with newer toys. The original Trek actors were stage trained and had the deep baritone voices from that training. The trailers for the new Trek show, well, basically, kids, dressed-up as Kirk, Spock, et al, backed by ILM's eye-popping but ultimately empty F/X. They have sharp, alto voices and have clearly been TV-only actors. The Trailers show the film to be the 98th remake of the same story. This presents a problem for whomever sees it. Kids watching will go for the F/X. Older folks (like me) cannot help but compare it to what has come before: good stories that relied primarily upon experienced actors and writers to hold the audience. Frankly, watching the trailers is, for me, uncompelling. I laughed at Quinto acting as Spock, frankly. Nimoy is a one-of in that role, which he played with a twinkle and from a background of years of theater. Quinto comes across as a kid auditioning for a high school production of Star Trek. The kid playing Kirk is the bratty kid you knew in junior high who always bullied the weaker kids. Some role rewrite. Sorry.
Abrams has been a greatly successful director and producer, but this film is clearly about noise and F/X, not story. Abrams has reinvented Kirk to be a dangerous misfit who is sent packing to Star Fleet before he does any more damage. This is the reverse of the original role, a man of intense but controlled feelings who felt duty and honor were the highest callings.
This movie will open big and then vanish.