Shopping at these dollar stores are just propping up CHINA and putting more money in our enemy’s hands.
Hey, everything they sell doesn’t come from China. And besides, Eric Holder says you’re a coward for thinking that way.
So is shopping almost anywhere else.
At least there I’m putting less in their pockets so they may only buy half the bullets to shoot at me!
Dollar Tree Ping!
Now we have to fend off the ‘Dollar Tree Koolaide Drinkers’ along with the ‘I Hate Wal-Mart’ crowd, LOL!
“Shopping at these dollar stores are just propping up CHINA and putting more money in our enemys hands.”
Really? Everything I buy there is Made in the USA. Do they make it here, ship it to China, then send it back to the stores? *SNORT*
Let me don’t like Wal-Mart, either because you can’t read a product label and chose what to buy and what to leave on the shelf?
I’m more than happy to share my bi-weekly Wal-Mart shopping list with you, complete with American manufacturers, and I could do one up for The Dollar Store for you, too. :)
That is such BS! Every store you shop in carries products made in China not just the dollar stores and WalMart!
“Shopping at these dollar stores are just propping up CHINA and putting more money in our enemys hands.”
YUP!! Ya got that right.