Isn’t DelaWhere great? she found the best stuff!
I guess I really should think of changing that handle... But after 8 years of using it here it kind of feels comfortable.
Hey, Y’all, Name’s not Dela - this ‘she’ is a grizzled (well not really) Old geezer 6’3” 250# Retired Great GrandPA.
‘Jack of all trades and Master of NONE’.
Since I love to eat good food, I figured the best way to be assured of it was to raise it, store it and cook it myself. My BOY Scout cooking Merit Badge final test involved Scratch Spaghetti Sauce (from ingredients I had dried) noodles I had made and brought with me, and french bread that I made from the wheat grain (ground with rocks.)
Glad you liked my posts. Thanks.
Oops I think DelaWhere is a man. I kept thinking of the old joke, If Mississippi bought Missouri a New Jersey, what would Delaware?” “Idaho, Alaska.” :P
Isnt DelaWhere great? she found the best stuff!<<<
LOL, I hope his wife knows that Cal is a real man.
Yes, I get to laugh, as I made the same assumption.