I can't even watch enough TV to check the weather. I just feel ill and want to vomit. I can't believe America did this.
A few months back I made the comment that every generation has to do this to itself. Just like the country had enough of Nixon and Ford, so they decide we needed Carter to have a clean government. Well, we barely survived that purge, so now, I assume the people want to destroy America again. I just pray he doesn't do what black mayors have done to Detroit, Philly, and DC. Remember the difference between Dinkins and Rooty in NYC?
Scuse me, I feel nauseous again.
Suggest you visit cybertechhelp.com. They will have you run some scans and you can post the logs and they will help you get rid of the nasties. I have used them a few times. It might take some time as they are volunteers.