Well...this has been an “unusual year” for me. some disappointments and such...but not ALL of it. OF course the election was about as “bad as it could get” in the way it turned out.
In September the other technician at the shop I work for FINALLY got the boot, after hacking into the computer TWICE and causing a LOT of lost money and such...and THEN...he once again managed to steal over $2300 from the shop account, by writing a “check” which he stole from the shop. For over 3 weeks...I received NO pay and was NOT being treated too well by the owner. It seemed that they wanted to “run me off”. But FINALLY all got resolved in that regard. And I am now working all 5 days a week EVERY week and saving a LOT more money that ever.
For nearly a year now—I have spoke about my hairstylist friend Laurie, who has treated me with more kindness and compassion and understanding than nearly ANY woman ever has. Well...I can NO LONGER call Laurie a friend anymore.
I now consider her my “big sister”...as she has gone WAY beyond a normal friendship. Laurie is now at the place with me that she can tell if I am “upset” about something WITHOUT me saying ANYTHING to her..and she will then get me to “talk to her about it” even IF I do not really want to...she KEEPS AT ME till I “open up” to her, so I do NOT just “hold on” on things without talking them over with someone who cares about me.
As the election neared-—it caused some SERIOUS strain on my “friendship” with my boss Patty—and we finally had to just “not talk ANY politics”—by MY decision. Still she ALWAYS had on CNN or MSNBC on tv ALL day and when I was there—I had to hear that crap .
As for Laurie..for SO long I sought to “know where she stood” on things. However—about 2 years ago she told me she did NOT discuss religion or politics with her customers. Of course—we were NOT that close then...and since then we discussed religion a LOT and some political things but NEVER the election. SO..I resigned myself to the fact she was an O supporter...and that I would just have to “get over it”. I figured she would not “rub it in” as my boss’s daughter did .
BUT about a WEEK before the election—my mom and me saw Laurie, mom got her to color her hair and I had a style.(My mom and Laurie have become friends too, since the summer..and Laurie LOVES to talk to my mom.)JUST before we left—mom handed Laurie a “Christian voter guide” and she did NOT react harshly to it and thanked mom. Later that evening... I got an e-mail from Laurie, and it was NOT pro Obama in the LEAST...so I FINALLY knew she was “on our side”..and that comforted me a LOT!! Since then...me and Laurie have had several political discussions and we agree almost TOTALLY on the issues and can talk very openly about those things now. Both of us have discussed that we are VERY fearful for the future of this nation now.
So.. no matter what else happens..this Christmas is going to be different than any in recent memory, with my “ big sister” there to comfort and support me, unlike I have had in the past. Her wonderful friendship is probably the BEST gift I have received in a VERY long time.
I’m glad to hear that your friendship with Laurie has continued to be positive. I’m particularly glad to hear that she’s not one of the idiots who voted for the empty suit and his brainless running mate.