We like cats. We have a house full of them. My wife has already told me she is going to be a cat lady after I die. I have one that will jump up or off of things with the full expectation that I will catch her, whether or not I have anything in my hands at the time. I have another one that calls me "Gives me chicken" (and you have to know cats to know what they have named you). I had one once with eyes like your image.
I just don't like the automatic assumption of trollhood. I was away from FR for a while and as soon as I posted when I came back some knucklehead started yammering "troll" at me because I presumed to disagree with their position. To me, those types are the trolls. They aren't amusing, unlike the "Spell Check is your friend" types who post such admonishments with spelling errors of their very own, and the ones that lecture you from their pedestal but don't know the difference between "lose" and "loose" or "to", "too" and "two" or "were", "where" and "we're" or.... Sigh. In English, order words still the you any understood put in can be and more or less, but it would be nice if they were actually the right words. [Majority of this rant withheld out of courtesy.]
I come to these VK threads to find great graphics, and I’m never disappointed.