There's no proof he was actually born in Hawaii. There's more proof he was born in Kenya. That's what all the law suits are about. He refuses to show any documents pertaining to his birth records.
That's the catch here.
” There’s more proof he was born in Kenya. “
More than the state of Hawaii saying he was born here and the birth certificate they released? Unless you have valid documentation to the contrary then you can’t prove a thing. I hate the guy as much as anything and think he will be Carter on steroids but this is a gigantic waste of time. There is no way a conspiracy to cover up something like this could have possibly been pulled off regardless of what internet gumshoes say. So don’t get your hopes up.
Aren’t there now records in the UK delivered this week by an Imam proving he was born in Kenya? This Imam’s grandfather blessed him....the original log is now in the hands of the UK and copies are now it the hands of the US. There are also several certified birth certificates for Barry from Kenya in the states. Barry was born in Kenya NOT Hawaii...he is not a natural born citizen. He is a citizen of the US but born in Kenya. It is strange he will not produce his Hawaiian Birth Certificate, however. Why will he not produce it?