BZZZTTT! The FAA just raised the top age for airline pilots to 65. There is no age limit for commercial pilots/flight instructors/air taxis/ag fliers. This would not have happened had this article been true.
In fact I think the largest part of the brain by weight is the fatty acid components in the neural linings.
You need EPA and DHA your whole life.
Eat yur fish!
It’s brain food!
med/health bump
So what are the finger tapping rates and how do they relate to age?
Very interesting. I have MS which causes destruction of myelin. That finger tapping test is part of a regular neuro exam. I can tap my finger on one hand, just fine, but on the other hand, the finger tapping is erratic, gets slower toward the end of the ten seconds, and not rhythmic at all...obviously because I have lesions affecting one side but not the other.
Ping! For Later!
Wait a minute! What am I pinging and why? Is this about Obama HUSSEIN? Yikes, Thats Terrifying!
Some years ago, I knew an older lady who was developing an “idiopathic neuropathy”, the loss of sensation in her toes, spreading to her feet, attributed to a breakdown of the myelin sheath around the nerves, and subsequent damage to them.
An herbalist recommended that she take, and continue to take, an extract of “milky oat seed”, in that it would generally arrest further decline. However, it would only help restore a small percentage of the damaged myelin sheath, and she would have to take it for the rest of her life, assuming the underlying neuropathy continued.
Interestingly, within a week her “pretty numb” feet developed a painful burning sensation, indicative of some nervous improvement, which settled down after a few days and left her with a little more feeling than she had, previously.
Unfortunately, out of laziness, I guess, she eventually discontinued taking the milky oat seed extract, and the neuropathy returned, leaving her with two numb feet and “drop foot” (loss of control of the foot). So now she must wear supporting braces and use a walker.