From one freeper to another, I would urge you to reconsider the HighPoint .45
Mine is a paper weight. It was the first gun I ever bought and it is kind of like the “My First Sony” line of products that are walkmen for children: all plastic, big bulky features, and not made to last forever.
I have actually heard good reviews of the HighPoint 9mm, but if I could do it all over again, I would have invested a little bit more in getting a used .45 from a better name brand.
I am more of a “long gun” sort of a person. When it comes to a sidearm, I much like a .45 Long Colt wheel gun! If I have to shoot it, I know that my target will go down bleeding & screeming, and that was the point I was trying to make. I guess that I did not make my point very well.