I was surprised at how harsh he was, calling her “unqualified” - especially considering how he has not been equally tough on Barack Obama...
I suppose I was surprised only because he has seemed to be relatively moderate in his liberalism. However, his attack didn’t appear to be rooted in liberalism so much as it was a throwback to a sexual double standard; what is “community activism” (ACORN) for a man doesn’t count (PTA) for a woman. I was just surprised to hear it from Kondrake.
Me, too. I was surprised to hear it because he HAS been less of a loony lib than most talking heads on TV.
He believes that the simple act of running for POTUS for three years provides a wealth of experience. It might if one had some experience and knowledge to start with. But the gaffes and verbal blunders that the haloed one hs committed, IMO the most egregious being the claim that Kennedy’s Vienna meeting with Nikita was a success, show that he has neither the experience to lead nor the knowledge base upon which to build.
Obama's alphabet (ACORN) 'community activism' was important...it was done by a man. Palin's PTA activism...can easily be dismissed.
I love turning the tables...