did you bother to read what you posted in #604 or shall we all just laugh at your incomprehensible last sentence???
laughing AT you.
free dixie,sw
swattie, it is readily apparent that you have assiduously avoided the truth your entire life. You live in a state of denial and delusion. You parade that delusion for the delight and amusement of others!
FreeRepublic from ignoramuses like swattie!
If you really want to review wacky ranting that truly is incomprehensible plus really insane - read the rubbish you wrote ----> 'DAMNyankee propaganda, bigotry & arrogant ignorance".
With that same worn out nonsense you always mean the vast majority of Americans, who would totally disagree with the ridiculous bulk you peddle about fighting the American Civil War all over again, in relation to today's enemies, who could care less what you, nor I, or any American believes, just as long as they can target US.