Vitamin D ping...(relates Vit D insufficiency to viral susceptibility)
This was a fascinating article.
I take a multi-vitamin every day, but I never paid attention to the Vitamin D level contained it. And I don’t consume much milk or products made with it.
I’m going to look further into this. Thank you for pinging me.
Thanks. More evidence.
As I have stated on a few other threads, there is no doubt in my mind that the discoveries about Vitamin D will continue, and that when all is said and done, the Vitamin D/Omega 3 findings will turn out to be the most important advances in medicine for the last 50 years.
But I wish I had a nickle for every article that gets into the “it’s a vitamin!”
No! It’s a hormone!
“It’s a vitamin, I tell ya”
Like the old Batman or somethin!
Thanks Joe.