I was on an Art Bell-esque listserv deal years ago and there was a German kid that had a bunch of WWII era photos of planes and supposed UFOs and the entrance to the subterranean base and all
He even had interviews lined up with an old German guy that supposedly routinely visited it. Dont know how it ended up though he was supposedly going to set up a website (at the time I didnt even have a web browser, just got stuff off a mail list).
Anyway, certain German and Russian scientist types (?) claim theyve not only physically visited the moon but mars too. Claim the atmosphere is thin but tolerable to humans if you wear warm clothing, etc.
I sent away for their free information packet thatd tell you how to build an anti-gravity-something-or-other to power your own spacecraft using two air-cooled VW engines. But the request for the free information came back as no such business at that address.
Had my heart set on a mars vacation too
Next time, I guess.
Maybe you can pick up the parts you need at the Alien Technology Online Catalogue.
I was on an Art Bell-esque listserv deal years ago
***I was also. I had a huge debate with a guy who called himself MJ-SETI, who first started out as a pure believer in the ET hypothesis, and then after reading Renato Vesco’s book “Intercept UFO” he changed his viewpoint completely. It was a great debate and there were some famous people on that list, like Stan Deyo who had some really outlandish claims about visiting UFO bases on Antarctica.
JL Naudin has been building Electrogravitics lifters and publishing experiments for over a decade now.
And yet, this area is widely laughed at as a Pseudoscience.