What an excellent idea, to just go ahead a make a quart’s worth.
Funny about waiting five minutes. My morning routine is to put on the tea kettle, take my SAM-e tablet with a swig of water, get my oatmeal or my bagel ready, and wait for the tea kettle to whistle. When it does, I fix my green tea, and then go back to my bedroom and get ready. By the time I get back to the kitchen, it’s been more than five minutes, so I discard the teabag and start drinking that tea. My first sip of tea in the morning is truly a good moment in my day, usually followed by a big, ahhhhhhh, my tea!
But I am glad to know for times when I haven’t wandered off to do other stuff that I don’t HAVE to wait five minutes.
Grame, salut, and cheerio!