HARDY HAR HAR!! (Ok, that was funny though!)
It’s weird - because I thought for sure Blue is a ragdoll. I rescued him from the Humane Society within a day or so of when he was brought in. I’m sure he would have been snatched up by someone else - so pretty and only a year old. In all my research and photos I saw after I took him home, I was so excited I had a ragdoll. But then the vet told me he’s a blue-point Siamese. I’m not sure how it overlaps - could he be both?
I’ll have to post a pic - they could be IDENTICAL twins.
If you pick up Blue just behind his front legs and let the rest of his body hang...it's a ragdoll if it hangs like a limp...well...RAG! LOL!
Any other cat will be able to raise his rear legs to remove some of your skin.
Ragdolls..as a breed should never be allowed out of the house..for they are too docile and don't protect themselves (as a rule).,p>They have a full ruff...like a lion's mane.
Anna is a lilac mitted Ragdoll...Baby is a blue-mitted and has sapphire blue eyes (see photo above)
PS...think you and I would get along if we kept immigration off the table. LOL!