If you pick up Blue just behind his front legs and let the rest of his body hang...it's a ragdoll if it hangs like a limp...well...RAG! LOL!
Any other cat will be able to raise his rear legs to remove some of your skin.
Ragdolls..as a breed should never be allowed out of the house..for they are too docile and don't protect themselves (as a rule).,p>They have a full ruff...like a lion's mane.
Anna is a lilac mitted Ragdoll...Baby is a blue-mitted and has sapphire blue eyes (see photo above)
PS...think you and I would get along if we kept immigration off the table. LOL!
Wow... well, mine are all wearing their little La Migra shirts right now and know how to call Sheriff Joe’s hotline on speed dial... :0)
I can’t believe it - this was destiny, lol. OK, I’ll go look for a photo. What is a good hosting service to use now? I haven’t posted a pic in so long.
Hmmmm, he does go limp to a certain degree, and you’re right about the personality. I used to let them outside if I could supervise - we have a gated yard away from the coyotes, but I stopped doing that. But, he doesn’t like being picked up so he’s not that floppy really. And now he’s a little chunky even though I exercise him every night.