To: Pharmboy
Thanks Pharmboy. I’m sure someone will emerge claiming to be the descendant of Christopher Service, or one of these other enemies dispatched by “Sure Shot Tim”, and try to undermine these accounts. :’)
5 posted on
07/28/2007 6:36:42 AM PDT by
(Profile updated Thursday, July 26, 2007
To: SunkenCiv
Though I’m not related to Tim Murphy, I DID date the Gary Hayes in the above article:)
13 posted on
07/28/2007 9:19:10 AM PDT by
To: SunkenCiv
Thanks Pharmboy. Im sure someone will emerge claiming to be the descendant of Christopher Service, or one of these other enemies dispatched by Sure Shot Tim, and try to undermine these accounts. :) Ah heck, don't have to be a descendant to call him insubordinate! ;-)
15 posted on
07/28/2007 11:27:27 AM PDT by
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