Although I find it distasteful, if a man somehow feels compelled to wear pink sweaters, work as an interior decorator and say that every good thing is "Fabulous!", I can't condemn that behavior. It is not sinful.
However, if that man engages in sex with other men, is an activist for homosexual marriage, or argues that there's nothing wrong with homosexual acts, then we have a problem. These are sins. They are bad choices. Human Nature is flawed, and we all have our struggles. A man (or woman) who gives in to homosexual urges is making a mistake and both Church and State ought to completely condemn the commission of these mistakes.
true. all true.
the present fad of blessing the homosexual lifestyle is evil and of satan. those denominations proclaiming such sin are apostate. some say this is another sign of the ‘end times.’ could very well be.
the biblical believers must proclaim the biblical truth without compromise.
i pray for those biblical believers caught in the apostate denominations for they are persecuted for remaining true to the divine revelation.
when it comes to that which is ‘distasteful’ in sexuality, there is much in heterosexual practice that may be regarded by some as ‘distasteful.’
there is much in homosexual practice that is considered by some as ‘distasteful’ and, as far as biblical believers are concerned, is sinful.