Jem, is Virginia Creeper a weed or a plant? Found one in my front planter and have cut back the vines but don’t know if I need to pull it. Help!
Did I ever tell you that I hate yardwork - all of it - and here I am suffering through. Uck...
If it is not growing where you want it, it is a weed.
You need to pull it or poison it. If you cut it, that is the same as pruning it and it will grow back with more sprouts.
ISB, please correct anything I have said amiss. I do not claim that I know what I’m doing with gardening. I am learning new things all the time.
Jtill, as far as whether any plant is a weed or a legitimate plant, there is a large debate on that. I have devised my own definition: if it is growing where you want it, it is legit. If any plant is growing where you don’t want it, said plant is a weed. Zinnias are almost always weeds. :) The first coreopsis I planted were plants; the rest were weeds.
I’m thinking of coming up to your area sometime between the 20th and 30th in July. I’ll stay at a friend’s house in Huntsville and branch out from there. I won’t be up for that many days, just two or three, but I want to swing over to your town and meet you if I may.