Huh...I didn't know anyone besides Olivetti still made manual typewriters! I learned to type on a 60s era Smith Corona I bought with my allowance. Found it at a rummage sale or some such thing. Heh...I have my journal from the time I had it, which was just as we got our first computer with a word processor. Even then I was a bit of a luddite, I guess. I must have been eleven or twelve, I'd guess, and, as always, did a lot of attempting to write stories. And I liked the typewriter.
One of these days I want a manual typewriter with an English keyboard. The German keyboard is the one big frustration with that old Olympia. That and the fact that the ribbons are slightly different on the European models, so I actually ended up having to rewind the replacement ribbon onto the old spools. Thought I was just being stupid until I did some searching and found that the European specs were different. Still definitely worth .99 and five bucks for shipping, tho!
Ideally I'd find an old Olympia or Smith Corona...maybe a Remington or Royal, but I've never used either of those.
D'OH! You're right! The manual one IS an Olivetti! They have a Smith Corona as well, but it's an electronic. Interesting that the electronic is $30 cheaper than the manual!