conform NOW!!!
I have a paver job open on the NAU Super Highway if you want it
Yeah, it's all a conspiracy! And you'll be doing that 'Baghdad Bob' impression up until America has a common currency with Mexico and Canada and their is an EU-style legislature located somewhere in North America.
"Trust me, there is no union going on here."
We have Mexico's ambassador to the United Nations, Enrique Berruga, coming into this country saying we need a North America Union and even saying it needs to be done before, I think it was 2015. Wow, he surely doesn't know what he's talking about.
What will it take to convince the crowd of osterichs with their collective heads in the sand that this may/can/will be happening? Where is the line?
I have a paver job open on the NAU Super Highway if you want it
Go ahead and give that job to your Mexican buddy. You can't afford NapkinUser salary requirement.