I don't buy Citgo, which is near the practical limit of my influence on such things. The equivalent for these guys would be to not only buy Citgo, but recommend it to others consrantly, and attack me personally for my preferred American product choice of Exxon.
IMHO you should refrain from buying petroleum derived products at all. Also, now that I think about it, the internet itself is not American only - it's a distributed network this is used by China and other countries not friendly to the US. Probably ought to reassess whether you really want to be using the internet. Safest course would be to find an all-American cave and live out the rest of your life eating American berries and American nuts. Can't be too careful!
^^^^^^^^^^which is near the practical limit of my influence on such things.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
So you do have a sense of practicality.
Welcome to the world of Linus Torvalds.
Can you directly answer this?