More ad hominem argument... a logical fallacy
I know who the founding members of ARAP are... and I know who my father was... I don't know who you and Mindbender26 are.
Associated Retired Aviation Professionals
Post Office Box 90, Clements, Md 20524; USA
E-Mail: ARAP
Admiral Thomas Moorer USN/(Deceased)
Admiral Moorer, is the former Chairman of the JointChief's of Staff
and the most Senior Retired Military Officer in the Group
Brig. General Ben Partin, USAF/Ret
General Partin was instrumental in developing continious rod-missile systems.
CMDR. William S. Donaldson USN/(Deceased)
Commander Donaldson is the former Officer-in-Charge of Carrier Battle Groups Air Traffic Control Center,
an air crash investigator and the author of the Interim Report to Congress on TWA Flight 800
Captain Al Mundo TWA/Ret
Captain Mundo is a retired TWA Pilot
Captain Howard Mann TWA/Ret
Captain Mann is a former TWA Pilot, an air crash investigator, participating in four air crash
investigations during his career and the most senior retired commercial pilot in the group.
Major Fred Meyer NYANG/Ret
Major Meyer is a decorated Vietnam Pilot and an eyewitness to the downing of TWA Flight 800.
Rear Admiral Mark Hill, USN/Ret
Admiral Hill, is the former Commanding Officer ofthe USS Independence and an Air Crash Investigator.
Cmdr. Bruce Valley, UNS/Ret
Cmdr. Valley is a retired Naval Aviator and currently President of GlobNet, Inc.
Dr. Gregory A. Harrison, P.E.
Dr. Harrison is a professional Fire Safety Enginneer with a Phd. in Safety Engineering.
He has extensive experience in fire investigations, flammable liquids and explosions.
Dr. Harrison is court qualified to testify on forensics in Md/VA/DC/NJ/PA/LA/TX and FLA.
I have independently calculated the physics of the flight... and found it confirmed by work done by others such as Dr. Thomas Stallcup (Physics). I provide links and examples of the math involved. I see you and mindbender26 making assertions ex-cathedra but little or no documentation to back up your claims... and certainly no math.