flash back...
Carnes notes in her ruling that one man named in the Ramseys book, Michael Helgoth, committed suicide two months after the murder and one day after District Attorney Alex Hunter announced they were narrowing the search for JonBenets killer.
A stun gun was found near Mr. Helgoths body, as well as HI-TEC boots. Evidence in the case suggests that JonBenets killer used a stun gun on her. Unidentified shoeprints from HI-TEC boots also were found in the Ramseys basement.
"....Unidentified shoeprints from HI-TEC boots also were found in the Ramseys basement...."
Not only that, but a sort of red algae was growing on the floor of the cellar where Jon Benet's body was found, and a similar red substance was found in the treads of Helgoth's boot!! And the Boulder PD doesn't have any interest in Helgoth.
There are a million little pieces....that may or may not fit.
I suspect we will never know the truth of this little girl's murder.