"....Unidentified shoeprints from HI-TEC boots also were found in the Ramseys basement...."
Not only that, but a sort of red algae was growing on the floor of the cellar where Jon Benet's body was found, and a similar red substance was found in the treads of Helgoth's boot!! And the Boulder PD doesn't have any interest in Helgoth.
Publically they do not have any interest, I agree.
However, they may ascribe to exactly the theory you put forth -- it was a two man job. If they say Helgoth is the killer, then #2 goes scot free. If they say Helgoth is one of two men, then killer number two knows they are onto him and goes way under.
By never saying Helgoth is/was a suspect, they keep #2 on his toes -- Do they suspect 2 people? Am I free and clear? Do the ramsey's know I exist?
IN this scenario - Karr would make a perfect #2 guy -- It would wash that he would say her killing was an accident etc.
Hopefully an angle they are exploring.
I just saw this (your post 100 about the algae on the floor/boot). Is this a fact, or just another clue that was leaked that needs to be taken with a grain of salt?