Posted on 08/17/2006 12:50:14 PM PDT by shield
Good for them, I'll buy a ticket to support them.
Good!!!! Who cares? I mean really. We are fighting War on Terror and you are complaining about G or PG. Disgusting.
It's part of what we're fighting...if you don't think hollyweirdo is part of the WOT...
Wait until this site and others you visit are labelled "R-estricted" due to conservative thought.
"Are you now or have you ever been a visitor to FR?"
I was listening to Michael Medved a few days ago. He, an observant Jew, believe that the presence of folks who take their Christian faith seriously is somewhat of a protection against radical Islam, vs Europe where Bible based Christianity is ebbing.
Yes, the War on Terror is critical. A part of the fight is how Christianity is viewed and treated in our country. The politically correct would like to eliminate Biblical Christianity in its entirety, as it makes a claim to exclusivity - only those who believe that Jesus is our Savior and the one and only Son of God can be Christians. The horror!!! (sarcasm alert)
Absolutely. That stuff will have your kids blowing themselves up in Israeli pizza parlors and shooting up their high schools.
France? It that is what you meant than I have been 12 years ago.
I don't want Jesus or God taken out of society. I am just so glad that when I was growing up I went to Catholic School and did not have to worry about people screaming and yelling about the use of God in anything. I am just saying that worrying about a G or PG movie which parents allow children to see both is just a bit much.
if you don't think hollyweirdo is part of the WOT...
Hollywood has been assisting in the War on Terror lately. First, that awesome movie World Trade Center was a boost for morale. Second, the actors signed a letter to President Bush in support of the War on Terror in Israel and Lebannon. Third, Adam Sander is selflessly giving his personal moneies through gifts to the children of Israel. It think that they are really trying lately.
"Hollywood has been assisting in the War on Terror lately. First, that awesome movie World Trade Center was a boost for morale. Second, the actors signed a letter to President Bush in support of the War on Terror in Israel and Lebannon. Third, Adam Sander is selflessly giving his personal moneies through gifts to the children of Israel. It think that they are really trying lately."
All that is great to hear, you won't hear these stories in the msm. That said, I'm sorry but this little bit of good does not erase the sewer filth Hollywood has been spewing for the past 30 years. Some of the ones that scream tolerance the loudest come from Tinseltown, yet when the shoe is on the other foot we're all of a sudden living in the Dark Ages again. I am mad about this, because this is not about ratings, this is about freedom, and I for one am getting sick and tired of Hollywood as whole. The WOT is ALL about freedom, including freedom of relgion. So who cares you ask? I care and you'd better care too. This may be a "small" thing, but if we as Christians and Americans had never quit caring abou the "small" things we wouldn't need to be worrying about the big things now.
They are now on the move to produce movies for families
I must respectfully disagree with you in the extreme. Let's just say that I happen to 'know' someone and I can assure you that they make movies based on the statistics. Currently the largest group of movie-going public is male age 14 and THAT is the target. It's all about $$$. NOTHING more, I assure you. There is NO conscience in the board rooms that control Hollywierd, be assured of that.
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What on earth have we come to? This is insane.
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