I confess to believing the parents did it. :(
I was never really sure about that. I do think that they were *really, really* weird.
I never thought they did and had many a go-around on that one with my wife. She was convinced they did it.
What hell that family went through, twice!
Totally understandable. I, otoh, did not ever believe the parents did this. I saw way too many political spins being played out. Mr and Mrs Ramsey were believable, to me. I would think, this morning, the network of "pals" Karr is involved with is busy scrambling. The liberal motto of "its only sex" deserves to die with Karr.
I always thought the brother did it. :-(
I'm sure many of us here thought parents or brother.
Glad they got the culprit. It is a SHAME her mother didn't live to see this day!