1 posted on
08/16/2006 1:17:09 PM PDT by
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To: mhking
This never would have happened in Siam!
67 posted on
08/16/2006 1:24:07 PM PDT by
(Genocide is the highest sacrament of socialism.)
To: mhking
It's on your station's website. Strange, right after mama dies.
69 posted on
08/16/2006 1:24:14 PM PDT by
(sunshine or thunder)
To: mhking
78 posted on
08/16/2006 1:25:13 PM PDT by
To: mhking
Finally the parents will be vindicated.
Leave it to those Keystone cops in Boulder that this happens after Patsys death.
To: mhking
Oh, what the heck, let's keep it going ... THAILAND?
To: mhking
To: mhking
To: mhking
87 posted on
08/16/2006 1:25:39 PM PDT by
(Remember "Remember the Maine"? Well in the current war "Remember the Baby Milk Factory")
To: mhking
Here is my guess: It may be no coincidence that this happened just after the mother died. Perhaps the son is the guilty party, and the parents knew. The mother was adamant that they all keep quiet about this, possibly even sending the son 'away' so he could stay out of trouble. Now that Patsy is gone, the father is free to come forward. Just a hunch, I could be way off base, but with the few facts we have does anyone else have a possible theory?
88 posted on
08/16/2006 1:25:42 PM PDT by
(A person is a person, no matter how small. (Dr. Seuss))
To: mhking
92 posted on
08/16/2006 1:25:57 PM PDT by
(Once a SnowFlake always a SnowFlake. (We stand by you, Israel))
To: mhking
How curious so close to Mrs. Ramsey's death.
To: mhking
The suspect has confessed to certain elements of the crime that are unknown to the general public. The suspect is expected back in the U.S. within the next two days, accompanied by an investigator from the Boulder DA's office. The Boulder County DA's office has not confirmed the identity of the suspect.
That's all I know from watching the press conference on KUSA-Denver.
107 posted on
08/16/2006 1:27:34 PM PDT by
(There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity.)
To: mhking
must be Bush's faut....
110 posted on
08/16/2006 1:27:54 PM PDT by
To: mhking
To: mhking
Bill Clinton was arrested in Thailand?
To: mhking
Ooo... ooo! Can I join in?
132 posted on
08/16/2006 1:29:36 PM PDT by
(Banning DDT wasn't about birds. It was about power.)
To: mhking
136 posted on
08/16/2006 1:29:54 PM PDT by
(Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.)
To: mhking
140 posted on
08/16/2006 1:30:09 PM PDT by
(Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.)
To: mhking
No, it's my turn.
To: stylecouncilor
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