Sir attempts are underway experimenting with the following 'food' items:
Food items included:
congeled salad #1
weiner casserole
cheeze whiz sandwiches
grilled spam
spam whore dourves
[spam, velvetta cheese topped
with an olive]
boiled p'nuts
various packaged chips including:
store brand cheeze curls and refried grits
potato sticks
cajun peanuts
Sir, a full written report will be on your desk in the morning with the results. Sir, I must state this is an order which is above the call of our normal Union duties. |
I'll know if you eat the Fried Okra and Boiled Peanuts. Ya'll come tah yur senses, an quit yur yankee notions. Say ya might wanna eat that with some boiled crawfish and wash it down witha cold beer.
I salute your attempts to find your inner-southerner. Add in an R.C. Cola and a Moon-Pie and pretty soon you'll be thinking that maybe Jeff Davis wasn't all that bad after all.