To my mind, there are two types of people promoting the North American Union/CFR/NWO agenda:
(1) those whose low economic circumstances (a result of either government-imposed or sloth-imposed poverty) will cause them, and their progeny, to benefit from the sharing of the current wealth of the continent, the largest portion of which has been created, and maintained for centuries, on the backs of pioneering, inventive, hard-working, prosperous Americans, and
(2) those who seek to gain immense ideological or personal power as a result of the socialization of America a definite, deliberate by-product of the establishment of a North American economic and security community.
And the two most horrific goals that will need to be attained if George Bushs and Vicente Foxs utopia is to become a reality are:
(1) Americas existence as a sovereign nation must cease to exist.
Nowhere does the Constitution specifically state that Americas sovereignty must be protected. But virtually every word in that magnificent blueprint implies and assumes so.
Our Founders did not envision a time when American leadership at the highest levels would allow unelected, unaccountable international policymakers to create global policy that affects the lives and liberties of the American people, and the sovereignty of the republic. The omnipotent, nebulous oligarchy that inevitably results from such policymaking is inherently inconsistent with the Constitution.
Sovereignty is founded upon the idea of the consent of the governed, and the protection of the governed from outside interference or unsolicited outside influence. If global policymakers (or our own leaders, working in tandem with the leaders of other countries or international organizations) are allowed to make policy that reaches within the borders of America, they are simply legislating without our Constitutional guarantee of representation.
Over the past fifty-plus years, our Constitution, our national sovereignty, and the Founders allegiance to limited government have been eroded beyond recognition in large part because of the mishandling of international treaties/agreements/declarations (the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America among the most recent egregious example), and insistently characterizing them as legitimate surrogates for the American legislative process.
(2) The idea must be promoted that self-interest, self-protection and personal success is wicked and intolerant, and that a we-are-the-world/equality-of-outcome mindset is a sign of a compassionate, highly advanced culture
The report of the Security and Prosperity Partnership Task Force simply reeks of both (1) and (2) above. It speaks, over and over again, of the fact that we (the citizens of the U.S., Canada and Mexico) must strive to reach two ultimate goals:
(1) making our continent less vulnerable to a terrorist attack, and
(2) addressing the uneven economic development within the continent.
I am concerned about protecting America from the threat of terrorism. Once my country is secure, then, and only then, will my concern expand to the protection of the continent on North America.
Strangely enough, one of the three participants in the Prosperity Partnership has done nothing at all to diminish threats to U.S. security and has, in fact, bent over backwards regarding illegal immigration across our southern border to see to it that that border remains porous, not only for its own citizens to cross northward into the U.S., but for Islamic terrorists to gain unfettered access as well. Vicente Foxs signature is ludicrous on a document, one of whose two primary goals is to make America less vulnerable to a terrorist attack.
Vicente Fox has everything to gain in the realization of a North American Union. No sacrifice or deprivation involved, and mountains of political and economic benefits to reap through the sacrifice of others.
As regards the addressing of uneven economic development since when is it the responsibility of the American working man to make certain that a man living several thousand miles north or south of him enjoys comparable economic development? More importantly, where in the Constitutional definition of the powers of the federal government does the state have the power to demand such concern from its citizens?
The average working American has been forced, unconstitutionally, to provide for other Americans who are economically disadvantaged for decades. Gargantuan socialist entitlement programs (some of which our current president himself has authored) have succeeded in bleeding the American worker dry in an attempt to even the playing field, when much of the time those who benefit from such programs have been voluntarily sitting on the sidelines and refusing to take part in the risk, effort and exertion involved in achieving economic success.
Now our leadership has decided to expand the field upon which the American worker must play. We are now not only responsible for attaining economic fairness within our own borders. We must now (non-voluntarily) share the fruits of our labors (and the ingenuity and industry of our ancestors) with the citizens of other countries. And these citizens of other countries have a right to share in our economic success simply by virtue of the fact that they happen to inhabit the same continent.
Not only is the American citizen expected to continue to invent, produce, design, manufacture, and inspire others to do so as he has done successfully for more than two centuries. Not only is he now ordered by the state to donate a large portion of the fruits of his labors to his less economically advantaged countrymen. But now he is expected to (again, non-voluntarily) broaden his compassion horizon and work for the economic betterment of the citizens of neighboring countries as well.
Why are Americans lives and liberties hanging in the balance? And why is the sovereignty of the American republic threatened more than at any time in her history?
Because, for the first time in our history, leadership at the highest levels of our government has abandoned the vision of the American republic, and has instead sworn allegiance to an elitist, one-world ideology in which the borders of this nation are perceived as an inconvenient roadblock to the realization of the globalist agenda.
There will be no wall (physical or otherwise) built along our southern border. Mexicans by the thousands will daily continue to stream into our country. Islamo-fascists will cross that border as well. And I dont know which threat is worse the dissolution of Americas borders as we are swallowed up by the North American Union, or the prospect of a worse-than-9/11 attack by madmen from the Middle East.
By leaving our southern border virtually unattended, our leadership is purposefully engineering one, or both.
~ joanie
(Allegiance and Duty Betrayed)
Replace Vecente Fox with Mexico and fuly agreed.
"By leaving our southern border virtually unattended, our leadership is purposefully engineering one, or both."
It is hard to conclude this reckless neglect isn't purposeful. But purposely or not it's being done, and must be stopped!
Nice blog, joanie! Well done! : )
By leaving our southern border virtually unattended, our leadership is purposefully engineering one, or both.
The consequences of actions are inevitable whether intended or not. As usual your vision is clear and acute as regards the outcome of current events.
What still amazes me (and probably shouldn't) is that these Engineers of a Brave New World act is if they were working in a vacuum. Do they really think they can usurp the authority of the people without an opposite and equal reaction?
Whether the government actually uses violence or not it is still using force to achieve its ends. And therein lies the fault that will hang them and bring us all to ruin. They seek their own ends not the will of the people.
That force is backed up with the threat of violence which is not only implied by statute it is regularly exerted when its authority is resisted. And rightly so when, for example, someone robs a liquor store and then tries to evade arrest. But it is far from right when their coercions demand that we surrender our consent to be governed.
Such will not stand and the backlash will be as furious as anything the would-be architects of our NWO have ever imagined imposing on those who resist them. No amount of intimidation, muscle or slick indoctrination can or will prevent, circumvent or purify the inexorable fruition of their actions. The divine law of cause and effect will play out regardless of their efforts or their intentions whether good or bad.
Whether by God or by the enlightened minds of our Founders we were given a government "of the people, by the people and for the people." As a people we have known it, embraced it and lived it. The human mind and heart once freed and having tasted liberty cannot be easily chained again. It is the nature of mind to be free and however far we have to go to be completely God-like in freedom and wisdom we will not be walking backwards.
Nor will we, as a people, forget our previous achievements. We can only be forced to abandon our liberty through intimidation or deceit and by the very nature of the human mind their attempts to do so will be held in contempt and disgust.
Being less than God-like in our current form and circumstance the American people will manifest their resistance with something less than divine wisdom and compassion. But we will only be at fault for our excesses as we are not the cause of the arrogance in DC that now seeks to impose its will on us. That the human spirit will resist their tyranny with strength and conviction is not in itself an excess. These would-be rulers have made their own bed. They intend to use us as the flowers to soften and perfume it and it is also by their own willful ignorance that they will find these roses full of thorns as well.
As regards the addressing of uneven economic development since when is it the responsibility of the American working man to make certain that a man living several thousand miles north or south of him enjoys comparable economic development? More importantly, where in the Constitutional definition of the powers of the federal government does the state have the power to demand such concern from its citizens?
Excellent synopsis of the major flaws, problems, and unConstitutional legislation by fiat. This agenda is no friend to America or Americans, or its language, culture, values, and borders.
Most Republican legislators don't seem to have any qualms about supporting the UN or the treaties and international agreements that originate from the UN.
Have your read your "Local Agenda 21 Plan? Your City Manager has a copy.
(Carry Okie is an expert on this subject) Take a peak here.
Here's a preview:
"...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. A shift is necessary. which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations..." [1] Maurice Strong , opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.
Excellent, spot-on post!
God help us.
This man thinks he is a national trade broker running some giant corporation instead of a Constitutional Republic. In that respect the Constitution is that piece of paper that should be standing in his way if not for the U.S. Senate. His business skills in private life were somewhat lacking yet many consider him smart enough to hand over the sovereignty of our nation via his business skills?
I will be glad when this mans 8 years in office is finally over and he can do this nation no more harm. At this point a Village Idiot would be welcomed and less harmful IMO especially if congress would act in a more Constitutional based manner.
Hopefully he is the last person the third and last member of his family to hold national office. I am as nauseated with the Bush Family political Dynasty as I am the Kennedy one. The Bush Family Legacy is a Liberal one and nothing more starting with Senator Prescott Bush Sr and his support for Nelson Rockefeller. Politically what separates the Bush's and Kennedy's is the fact Bush's are Corporate Republicans. GW did his grandfather proud he's the Liberal his grandfather could not get elected.
Our sleeping & complacent senate has been no help either with ones like John McCain to do the Bush dirty work by sponsoring such acts of tyranny as surrendering our national borders. In many ways in political doctrine and character {arrogance} GW Bush is just like John McCain. Bush is a mans who actions as POTUS can not be defended nor supported. He is our worst POTUS tieing with the man he is most like in our history on almost all fronts Lyndon Banes Johnson. The two worst leaders to come out of Texas. The two worse Presidents to hold the office. May the House of Representatives uphold the Constitution this man has sold out to foreign national interest.
Of your once again brilliant post and analysis of the problem confronting us in Washington, these two paragraphs, especially, ought to be written down and remembered by all who truly love our country and are willing to defend it.