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Conservative Columnists needs your help.
Monsters and Critics ^
| 02/21/2006
| LivinRight
Posted on 02/23/2006 7:56:15 AM PST by LivinRight
Is there any crime that is rewarded more richly by the United States, than illegal immigration? Is there any crime more easily and thoughtlessly excused and forgiven?
TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Humor; Society
KEYWORDS: attentionwhore; christian; column; conservative; frsnewestblogpimp; iamspecial; illegalimmigrants; illegalimmigration; lookatme; monstersandcritics; pimpinmyblog; theylikeme
I have been writing a conservative column for a local newspaper for five or six months. The readers of this paper are very liberal and love to give lots of negative feedback. Conservatives are strangely quiet. Recently, I have begun writing a column for Monsters and Critics. This column has a much wider range of readership. Here's my problem: It seems to me that conservatives are not nearly as vocal as they should be. They are no where near as vocal as liberals. Under each column that I have written for Monsters and Critics there is place called Talkback on M&C and a button that you can click that says "talk" which allows you to post comments right under the article expressing your opinion. The more talkback you get about an column the happier the editor is since this means you are bringing people to the site. I was hoping that I could convince some of you to visit the site (I have posted the link above) and if you feel like the columns are worth your time then you could add a talkback. You don't have to join the site or register or anything like that; Monsters and Critics allows you to post no strings attached. If you don't like the columns for whatever reason that's okay too. I am willing to take that risk. They are meant to be somewhat satirical but the liberal readers take everything so personally. They always attack me personally never the column. I am a big boy though and I can take it but I would like some positive comments every now and then. Thank you so much.
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