Posted on 12/25/2005 12:52:18 AM PST by Swordmaker
PC-Magazine says the G5 Quadis the fastest desk top computer. They report it got the highest score they have ever seen on the CPU-stressing CineBench rendering test: 1,104 compared to the Pentium EE840 overclocked to 3.6 GHz's 667, and the Athlon 64 4800+ overclocked to 2.7 GHz 775.
This is a PC centric magazine making these claims. Interesting.
We cannot post PC-Mag articles so here is the link to their article for those interested:
PC Mag review of G5 Quad's speed
Price: $7,023 without monitor
I'm worried about Apple's move to intel. I would have open sourced part of their system and moved along the console/graphics hardware business in a team with Sony or Microsoft itself, imo. They share the same IBM processors and have gazillion of protable games.
(Denny Crane: "I Don't Want To Socialize With A Pinko Liberal Democrat Commie. Say What You Like About Republicans. We Stick To Our Convictions. Even When We Know We're Dead Wrong.")
That seems a bit expensive for something that'll be "obsolete" in a year or two
I'm getting a new laptop next month.
Wonder if I should get an older powerbook on the cheap or risk the new Intel based powerbook?
There's a difference between "obsolete" and "no longer of any use".
Macs get retasked multiple times before they become obsolete and often remain relevant in a business environment for 5-10 years after it was first purchased.
For the purposes this is intended, it is right in the ballpark of comparable systems. If it makes money for you better than the alternatives, then it is worth it. For me it is way too much money. Would I like to have it? Nah... I don't need to play my organ has more ranks than your organ... and I can only read FreeRepublic so fast...
Well, it would be a bit much just to get FR
And that would be a fair opinion, if the price was really that high. Methinks PC World wants to perpetuate the "Apple is overpriced" mantra.
If you go to the Apple on-line store you see that the Quad's base price is $3,299.00. The base config is
PC World picked all the upgrades where Apple makes high margin: a super-expensive video card, 4 Gigs of overpriced ECC RAM, and the bigger and additional hard drives. Mose sane users save thousands by using a qualified 3rd party for those things, if they even need them at all.
The new gaming PowerPC processors won't handle out-of-order instructions. They would suck at existing Mac (or AIX or PowerPC Linux) code.
7 grand!???!!!!???!?!!!!????!??!!!?!!?!?!!!!!!!????
Steve Jobs is on peyote.
See my reply #10 above.
OK, that's a little closer to reality. Still, I've got a $1000 Dell that runs Half Life 2 (a serious memory hog) just fine if you scale back the sound quality a little. (I'm using on board sound.)
Santa didn't bring me one. I'm pissed now!
For most people, the money would be better spent on reading and typing lessons over upgrading. I know several people with top of the line systems who type with one finger.
Obviously, this machine is not intended primarily for web surfers.
Always like your Mac pings!
The kids will be up soon and the fun begins!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Never play with your organ on Christmas Day...that's just wrong, dude....
Great apple propaganda, but my Opteron 280 dual/dual already smokes it running fedora core 4 with kde 3.5 as the desktop at 1/2 the price.
This is not Apple propaganda... look at the source. This came from PC Magazine, not MacWorld.
What application are you using on Linux that renders using Cinebench as a test? Cinebench does not even list a Linux system in the Cinebench results.
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