Bush's meassage is getting out with greater clarity
Is the dollar gaining ground today?
Something's in the air, yeah.
Climbing gold prices are an important signal that one should immediately BUY GOLD!
Falling gold prices are an important signal that one should immediately BUY GOLD!
A steady gold price is an important signal that one should immediately BUY GOLD!
Gold is a sucker's bet.
According to the gold bugs, this means that it's a good time to buy gold.
The rejection of the fiat valued metal known as "gold" is clear as is shown by it's fall in price today. As more and more people realize that there is nothing to back the value of this widely available naturally occuring metal, they will lose faith in it as a source of financial stability and it's price will drop further.
In fact, as evidence that those who support this un-backed form of valueless metal will go to no ends to keep up the ponzi scheme thrust upon us, I want you to think about this: everyday around the world there are hundreds of mines putting more and more gold into circulation at a profit. How can gold maintain it's value as daily there is a larger supply and less trust in it?
Or is this a bunch of strawman mumbo-jumbo? Anyway, have to go sell some gold. It's the greatest investment in the world and I want to sell mine!
Gold as an investment stinks. The gold pushers are always on websites like newsmax and talk radio.
I have a problem when talk radio hosts read gold ads. When reading an add for gold, they seem to be giving financial advice. Some people who put a lot of trust in the talk show hosts may purchase a large amount of gold and lose lots of money over time. Talk show hosts don't read adds to buy Halliburton stock?
The anti-gold-bugs on this thread are so ridiculous it's hilarious. Gold loses a few dollars in one day and they get this "gold is for idiots!" attitude. Never mind the fact that it has nearly doubled in price in the past few years. They simply HATE to be reminded of that and any time gold loses ground they act like they just won the lottery, even though they haven't won a dime.
Imagine how idiotic it would look if during a major stock market bull ride, someone would come on and say "see! stocks are bad!" every time the bulls took a day off. Well, you don't have to imagine. Just read the anti-gold-bug posts. ;-)
took their profits yesterday and bought Wendy's
When was the Bilderberg meeting?