BTW, The Electric guitar in the hands of someone like Eric Clapton, Eric Johnson or Stevie Ray Vaughn is a thing of immense beauty and raw-refinement if that terms makes sense to you.
I beg to differ. I really do. I have so much connection with it, I don't need people helping me connect to it by playing rock music in every bleeding store or place of business or on every TV commercial. I am sorry that you need so many crutches and reminders to get in touch with your sexual side.
Wait a minute wait a minute. Ever heard the 1812 Overture? The cannons going off, the bells ringing...that sort of thing? That's fire works without question. Try Charge of the Light Brigade by Suppe. Plenty of classical music has fireworks. And yet I don't want to hear those loud songs in a department store either. So why do we have to hear loud rock or loud anything?
Why should anyone have to listen to someone else's choice of music in order to shop for food or clothing and the necessities of life? Really when you think about it its not fair. But as I said, I am not about to launch a crusade against store music. I am not that type and their are already too many crusades anyway.
I am just saying...think about it.....why does there have to be music every where you go? And why is it always rock music? What's wrong with the thoughts inside your own head? I can go for days without background music or TV.