Subchapter S corporations are totally controlled by one person or very few people. They are essentially a pass through for income which offer the legal protection of a corporation. The owner does not have a corporation to answer to, he is teh corporation. From everything I know about Rush he is essentially Rush Limbaugh Inc. and his businesses are set up for Rush. We are not talking about the GM board of directors here.
I know all about s corps. What you are failing to understand is that you can't just go giving away your store without justification. Sure, you can declare it as advertising, or charitable contribution. Then you have to EXPLAIN it.
You have to explain to the IRS how, where, what and why. If you do such things, your accountant goes apesh*t and sends you to the doctor's office.
There is an EXPENSE to running the 24/7, one of the other posteres pointed out that bandwidth isn't free. It has to be paid for.
Quit thinking like my union-thug, 'everyone should get "free" heathcare' buddy!
Capitalism rules!! YEA!