A few quotes from the Federalist Patriot newsletter:
"Any judicial nominee who has said that the Constitution means what it says, not what judges would like it to mean, is going to be called an 'extremist.' That person will be said to be 'out of the mainstream.' But the mainstream is itself the problem."
--Thomas Sowell
"Ask most 'ordinary Americans,' as the media call people leading normal lives beyond the Beltway, whether Karl Rove or Vice President Dick Cheney leaked the name of Valerie Plame/Wilson to New York Times reporter Judith Miller---and they're likely to say, 'Yeah, a beer sounds good'."
--Kathleen Parker [Bold mine...duh?]
"Anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan said that she would tie herself up at the White House to get President Bush's attention. Right idea, wrong president. I think that was more Bill's kind of thing."
--Jay Leno
"Al Pacino was honored for his career at a banquet in Beverly Hills Friday. He's played a mobster, a mayor, a revolutionary, a cokehead, a sex addict and the devil. For thirty years the Democrat nomination for president has been his for the asking."
--Argus Hamilton