Hey Hair, I am in Houston and I have good news and bad news AND even worse news. The good news is Rita has shifted to the east which puts us on the best side of it. The bad news is my hound dog, Cate, has just come into her first heat. Then the even worse news is that my almost 2 year old male Jack Russel Terrier hasn't noticed Cate is in heat. Does that mean my male JRT is "light in his loafers"? LOL!
Thanks for the ping and info!
This group, Pasado's Safe Haven, has been doing a tremendous job trying to rescue animals down in NO.
They are now looking for a staging area in TX for post-Rita rescues:
"Texas Rescue next: PasadoRescuers will return to New Orleans to continue to help the animals there AND send teams to Texas. We are in need of a large staging location near to Houston - who can help? We're seeking a farm, and property owners, who are willing to allow us to triage animals, allow rescuers to sleep there, and stage all rescues from there for up to a few weeks. PLEASE find someone to help us!
E-mail ASAP!"
If anyone in the Houston area believes they can help with this type of property, you can follow the link above, and the "E-mail" is hot-linked there...
Another animal group in Houston needs help as of 5:30 p.m. CDT from the Katrina-Pet-Rescue-info yahoogroup:
"Spindletop ran out of gas; needs immediate help with trucks (or gas) to get remaining 60 crated animals from old place to new. Show up at 91118 Windfern (between 290 and the racetrack) if you can help."