Wow! did you ever meet anyone who had to sacrifice like you? Well, here I am. I worked 40 hours a week as a waitress, raised 3 kids as a single mom and graduated in 5 years. I get really ticked off when I hear women say, they have no options - bull s***. I used the system as it was designed. Amazing, hey???? I'm not extremely intelligent, but I'll tell you what, if I can get an engineering degree, anyone can. It was 80% determination, 20% learning. It was harder moviting myself than the actual studying. I get really ticked off when I hear how opressed women are. Hell, I was one of those women left by her man. I did it with 3 kids. I didn't give into to the 'easy' life of welfare. And I'll tell you, it's my most proudest accomplishment, graduating on Mother's day and all, with a REAL engineering degree. I don't need to tell you how thrilling that day was!
It was 80% determination, 20% learning.Sounds just about right.