I am already sick of this Supreme Court discussion. Kennedy and Feingold have already fired warning shots. Pundits are telling us it will probably be Gonzalez (which I do not think it will be) and lots of people are acting like he MUST appoint a woman. Blech!
The groups like MoveON are mobilizing, and some of the conservative groups are making threats.
The President will appoint the type of justice that he has always said he would, just like the people he has already appointed to the appellate courts. This is another reminder of why I would do terrible in politics, because I would have already lost my patience and probably appointed Jesse Helms or something.
One thing is we keep hearing the libs like Teddy...making their veiled threats....AAACK! I don't relish this contamination of our beloved 4th of July!
A couple of other for fun names from Laura Ingraham's show were Ken Starr and ...(heh)....(heh)....(heh)...John Ashcroft!
I would have told them all to go to hell, and enjoy the trip!
I am just so tired of these Dems ripping our country, as they sit fat and happy off of the sweat, blood, and tears of the men and women who fight to defend their precious hides.