Heh... Eeek. Yes, we'll work on that for advanced training. First step, rivers.... second step, mud puddles :~D
Good morning!
I didn't really mean that I thought you should be doing that stuff...I just always think about that when talking about geting horses in water. That can be challenge enough, without throwing in sidpassing and backing. I never had to do the sidepassing into a puddle on Belle, but I did with the backing, and she wanted no part of it:). She did do the sidepass in the creek for the ribbon tie. Luckily it was in the direction she sidepassed easily:)
When I got Rusty, I practiced all that stuff on him and had him doing it pretty good....and now, of course, he won't make it as a CTR horse, and Harley, hates getting in puddles so it's going to be a real challenge with him. And for a while now, we have had no puddles to work him in.
But I've got all summer, because I'm really hoping to go to a CTR in the fall, since I didn't make it to the one last week. I heard that it was a full ride too....I would really have liked to gone