I didn't really mean that I thought you should be doing that stuff...I just always think about that when talking about geting horses in water. That can be challenge enough, without throwing in sidpassing and backing. I never had to do the sidepassing into a puddle on Belle, but I did with the backing, and she wanted no part of it:). She did do the sidepass in the creek for the ribbon tie. Luckily it was in the direction she sidepassed easily:)
When I got Rusty, I practiced all that stuff on him and had him doing it pretty good....and now, of course, he won't make it as a CTR horse, and Harley, hates getting in puddles so it's going to be a real challenge with him. And for a while now, we have had no puddles to work him in.
But I've got all summer, because I'm really hoping to go to a CTR in the fall, since I didn't make it to the one last week. I heard that it was a full ride too....I would really have liked to gone
I've probably asked this before, but do you know in advance which tests will be on the ride so you know if you have to practice "sidepassing through a puddle" or "stopping half over a log"?
I don't know if Cyn sidepasses at all ;~D