Jeb Bush is a true son of his father, George H.W. Country Club Bush, Bushes neatly trimmed and sprayed by the liberal establishment. He hasn't done enough and hasn't said enough. But we have no choice. We must keep making noise, keep shaming this man, keep up the drumbeat against the Culture of Death and Judicial Tyranny. The chances that Jeb will hear us and act are slight. But the chances that we will, by doing this, wake up more of our countrymen is much greater. Revolutions have to start somewhere. We need to push this for all it's worth. It is that important, and the factors that are defeating in this case are even more important. We must do EVERYTHING we can to turn this around.
I don't believe that anyone suggested prayer was enough. But it is vital, according to the Lord's word, whether you agree or disagree.