To: Bush2000; HAL9000
Did you two date the same woman or something?
59 posted on
01/16/2005 2:57:52 PM PST by
("This is a hard and dirty war, but when it's over, nothing will ever be too difficult again.”)
To: Doohickey
Did you two date the same woman or something? Don't think so. We're both happily married professionals.
It's not personal - we just enjoy a good argument like Novak and Carville do on Crossfire. (I'm Novak, He's Carville).
63 posted on
01/16/2005 3:08:37 PM PST by
(Spreading terrorist beheading propaganda videos is an Act of Treason!)
To: Doohickey
They both have that thousand thing going.
146 posted on
01/17/2005 6:14:56 PM PST by
perfect stranger
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