To: rwfromkansas
They have lots of probs in the town newspaper with their Macs though, according to the publisher. Most of the statewide and major city newspapers here are produced on Macs.
I haven't heard any complaints from the shops using Mac OS X, but some of the smaller papers that haven't upgraded from Mac OS 9 have occasional problems.
The Windows-based papers have the usual security and reliability problems associated with that platform.
51 posted on
01/16/2005 2:30:30 PM PST by
(Spreading terrorist beheading propaganda videos is an Act of Treason!)
To: HAL9000
Is that a reflection of the implementation and software run on the platform, or the platform itself?
54 posted on
01/16/2005 2:41:59 PM PST by
("This is a hard and dirty war, but when it's over, nothing will ever be too difficult again.”)
To: HAL9000
Most of the statewide and major city newspapers here are produced on Macs. I haven't heard any complaints from the shops using Mac OS X...
They're too busy recovering from crashes ...
57 posted on
01/16/2005 2:51:32 PM PST by
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