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View of an Alternate Universe (DailyKos on election day)
DailyKos excerpts

Posted on 11/06/2004 8:32:48 PM PST by plushaye

Nov 2 2004 View of an Alternate Universe: Election Day from the DailyKos viewpoint

[11:04PST; 2:04PM EST]

If those IA numbers hold up...

...Bush is cooked here because we had a huge head start.

If Trends Hold...

...Kerry's cleaning Bush's clock! GOTV, GOTV, GOTV! Show the world what happens when America actually choses their President, instead of having one chosen for them! If this holds, it will be a blow-out of epic proportions. I just can't get anything done today. Waiting anxiously for the actual results

[11:10PST; 2:10PM EST]

Not liking Zogby right now...

I'm of the belief that Kerry will win by 3% today, but here's what I just saw on Any explanation for this? Please offer me something so I don't lose a few years off my life today... Zogby on Oreilly NOW.. "FLA moving toward Bush, CO toward Kerry"

John Zogby just stated that its very close in FL but there seems to be movement TO Bush... he also says that CO is moving to Kerry.. He also says PA is even. Zogby doesnt sound too pleased...When pressed for a prediction Zog said "I dont want to make any predictions BUT something in my gut tells me Kerry CAN STILL win this.. but that is my gut and not my brain"

[11:17PST; 2:17PM EST]

scares me

This scares me if Zogby is now saying Kerry CAN STILL win. Its sounds like his polling is not looking good, but maybe he is just trying to encourage more Dems to vote. Anyway, how are they tying this in with early voting? Can any of these polls be accurate?

[11:24PST; 2:24PM EST]

Drudge Now Reporting

Media and Campaign sources saying early polling looks good for Kerry in battleground states

Drudge has his siren going again


Very good numbers

Typically, republicans vote early in the day. That's the main reason for the general excitement people experience from seeing these early numbers. YES! GOTV! WARNING LANDSLIDE COMING!

[11:31PST; 2:31PM EST]

Just keep it going

Call your friends - your neighbors - make it a damned landslide - send the republicans back to the 18th where they want to be! Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson just agreed on CNN - people DO NOT stand in line for and hour, two hours, three hours because they want more of the same.


RUMOR [NRO Staff] bush down 4 in ohio, down 4 in fla, downm 1 in NM, down 1 in mich, down 2 iowa As Kathryn said, these early reports are unreliable, but these are numbers we just got from a major newsroom. Take with a grain of salt. heheheheh


people on NRO are FREAKING OUT then it can only be good for us.

FReepers going crazy

The Admin Moderator is pulling any thread or post with the numbers, as they are "frauds". I have a feeling they will be alleging fraud in every single precinct this time tomorrow. And they will be defeated McCarthy-style.

Also pulling references to ....

Free Republic is also pulling references to Daily Kos!

Those numbers are positively sexy!

Dinner menu for tonight in the White House? Crow. Crow. And more Crow. With leftovers to make crow and cheese omelettes for breakfast Wednesday, crow salad sandwiches for Wednesday's lunch (you know they'll need a hearty lunch so they can start finding boxes and packing their crud) and crow enchiladas for supper. George can quit pretending to be sober and wash em down with good cold beer. I could send the White House some recipes for all those dishes. They can adapt them from my roast turkey, turkey omelettes, turkey salad and turkey enchiladas. I'm so nice. I'm all heart! [evil, evil grin]

I talked to two friends working at NEP

by cell phone just a little while ago. They are doing projections using phone calls done already to people who have already voted PLUS the exit polls. While they cannot say anything revealing, both said, "You should be very happy later." Wink, wink.

Thats GREAT Chris!

If the numbers have been once again confirmed by you then its going to be a Kerry landslide!!! All the blogs and Al Franken show are reporting the same.

Better Than Any Exit Poll

Folks, it's all over but the shoutin'. The stock market movers and shakers are already making money on President-elect Kerry. When Wall Street gives the word, it's over, folks. Congratulations to everyone who participated.

Sure, vote if you haven't ...yada yada yada. But one second after the polls close, the verdict is in: Landslide for Kerry.

How can we be sure ...

Is there any way that we can know these numbers haven't been cooked by Republican interests, to give us an excuse to let up on GOTV efforts? IT'LL NEVER WORK! HA! We won't stop for no-body ...


Over in Freeperland, they've pulled all the threads with these results, with a moderator message saying they're "unsubstantiated", but I notice the threads that had Bush up 49-41 at NRO are still up. I also notice a lot of threads citing the Mark Blumethal blog today on how exit polls are unreliable -- they must be trying to comfort themselves. =)

[11:51PST: 2:51PM EST]

I was listening to Al Franken and he interviewed Norm Ornstein who was at CBS election center. He could not give any results but he said there is record turnout. He said it was unprecendented. Thats good news for us.


George as you see the big states turn a deeper blue You could not foresee this thing happening to you.

Funny thing about that

Bush is actually doing worse in MS than in the rest of the DEEP south (ok, I'm talking about those lunatics in Alabama...)

Opinion polling at this point is meaningless

Statistically, looking at a few blips on the last day or two and calling it FL is "moving towards Bush" is ridiculous. Hasn't Zogby acknowledged that cell phone users etc. are being underestimated. Dems are likely busy on GOTV efforts rather than answering pollsters calls. Why he is sticking his neck out like this when the polls are bound to have huge standard deviations beats me. Anyway hope by 11:01 pm EST, this is all over - and Bushco are packing their boxes!

[12:02PST: 3:02PM EST]

The Freepers Are Freaking

Oh how sweet it is regardless of who wins. When the exit poll #'s hit Wonkette and Kos, a ton of threads got started on FreeRepublic posting them. They were yanking those threads as fast as they could but at least a couple were visible for a short time until they finally wrestled control and got the top thread to be about Rush saying the polls were bogus LOL It was absolutely beautiful :)

Just wait!

I thought the Freepers were saying that the Republicans vote after work because they have jobs & it's only the Democrats that vote during the day so there'll be a big republican surge late. Not only that, but all of those jobless, freeloading democrats can vote in 3 or 4 precincts (it varies depending on how many cartoon characters they can think of). Me thinks somebody needs to get their stories straight.

Rush sighting


12:30 "Mellman, liberal pollster, concedes election" 2:15 "Ladies and gentlemen, these aren't real exit polls, only AP has those. John Kerry, unlike George Bush, expressed no confidence in victory in his statement today. He would only say that he was confident he had laid out his position. Those, ladies and gentlemen, are words in defeat." 3:30 "Ladies and gentlemen, we can't lose hope.....even if the election doesn't turn out our way, we must keep up the fight." (I'm paraphrasing all over the place)

Ladies and gentlemen, you know Rush is getting inside information from the Repubs, and you know that Rush's 3:30 statements are about as close to doomsaying as you will ever see. This, more than anything from VNS itself, is giving me a big shot of optimism. Optimistic (guarded variety)

DRUDGE now pointing out:

But early sample was based on a 59- 41 women to men ratio... MORE...

Eeeeeek! If that is true that is bad news for Kerry.

Networks in a Tizzy - What do we do now?

It's just past noon, Pacific Time, and the election is won. By Kerry. In a landslide. But they swore up and down they'd be ultra-conservative in calling this close election. But it isn't close ... it's a blowout, and they have no clue how to report it. I can see it in their eyes and in how they skirt the issue. They promised to not call anything without clear numbers. But in this case, it's in the turnout, and everyone at the networks can see it. Statistically, Kerry wins in a blowout, but how do you report that? Who will be the first to break and call it for Kerry?

[12:19PST; 3:19PM EST]

But given what we know about early voting, we can be excited that all of the news is good so far. If we were on the short end we would be panicking. All signs go so far. I've taken the grain of salt but you know what? Still tastes like victory to me. GOTV

[12:29PST; 3:29PM EST]

Hold on a sec ....

Didn't polls in the last few weeks show Kerry leading among men? And Bush leading with women? And weren't we all astonished?

So ... if Bush leads among women, this is even more devastating. (But I don't believe it for a minute.) Republicans vote early, he was trying to find an excuse for hope in the numbers. All the same, fingers crossed guys. This is far more likely to galvanise the Republicans to vote later, than help Kerry.

[12:46PST; 3:46PM EST]


i agree (i also think these results will tighten dramatically) ... it is funny to see the republicans on "full debunk mode" though.

Makes no sense...

...the stock market should be going through the roof. Wall Street obviously doesn't know what's good for it. The Dow went from 2,000 to 11,000 under WHICH president????

Are you sure you want to go there?

you go to freerepublic dot com be sure to wear hip waders and heavy duty rubber gloves I jsut went and noticed that they are now taliking about all kinds of things besides the election. and they are citing every thing they can find that says early exit polls are unreliable.

[1:09PST; 4:09PM EST]

cry freepers cry!!

i hope they all commit mass suicide Bush TANKING on He's now below 40 and Kerry's above 60.

[1:21PST; 4:21PM EST]

Thank you to Republicans.

When you stole the election in 2000 you re-vitialized the democratic party. You won the battle and lost the war. I hope Bush's 4 years were worth it because if the democratic party keeps turning out this many people, it will be a long time before you get 4 more. Thanks a bunch, -Democrats everywhere.

Yes, Thank You, Republicans -- Not Sarcastic

If we pull this off, we really WILL have to thank Republicans---millions of them. Now is not the time to taunt them, but to welcome them. They had their party hijacked by facist fanatics, and to their great credit, they are pulling the lever for Kerry today. This is not the time for "in your face" taunting. . . .


'I want the Repubs to feel pain and suffer intensely.'

I don't think I need to go that far... I just want to see a Bush concession speech. Oh my do I want to see that!

I want the defeat to be so humiliating that Bush just sends a note to the press -- and crawls back to Crawford never to be seen or heard from ever again.

Don't bet on that...

Even if George never runs for office again, there's still Jebbie and George III and so on... I'm afraid we will never run out of Bushes.

I want a defeat so decisive

that the entire cursed family disappears from public life. As a matter of fact, I want them investigated, stripped of their wealth and working at Walmart. Is it too much to ask?

[1:35PST; 4:35PM EST]

In a few hours, I just hope and pray I hear .... ... MSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC all struggling to say ... "This is shaping up to be a bad night for the president."

[1:46PST;4:46PM EST]


there are only 730 days to midterms. IT IS NEVER OVER. President Kerry (the 43rd legitimate President) will need all the support we can give him. The party will need our continued efforts, to avoid another rush to "republican land like in get ready to roll up your sleeves around noon tommorrow (you can all sleep off the hangover for a couple hours)


We're going to win and it is not going to be all that close.

Weird comment of the day...

Why are you standing in line so long today to vote? "It's the only way to make the ads stop."

[1:55PST;4:55PM EST]

Free Republic Meltdown

For entertainment value only... visit the Freepers for a good laugh, they are about to bust a collective vein!


I hate to be the downer, but wasn't Gore ahead around this time on the exit polls in 2000? If its only 1 point, there is a lot to worry about. If its more, I can rest better.

All 4 Capital Gang members

predict the winner will be project no later than 11:30 ET tonight You know what that means They think someone is going to be a clear winner and it ain't gonna be close

[2:04PST; 5:04PM EST]

Rock On

I'm calling it for Kerry. I just can't help myself. Bush is toast.

Oh snap

We're gonna crush them like the bugs they are. I'm feeling hella good.

[2:19PST: 5:19PM EST]

Florida Hispanics

GOP insiders are saying their exit polls give them 40% of hispanics this year, vs. 35% in 2000. They also claim they are running ahead of Kerry amongst WI Catholics.

Zogby picks Kerry in a blowout...

I'll believe it when it happens. Will be at the DNC party down at the Capitol Hilton. God bless you Kossacks...we may have turned this tide.

[2:35PST; 5:35PM EST]


Still, if you aren't used to it, reading the freepers or the LGF-holes can be shocking. Most relatively normal people just don't encounter such frothing, seething, bigoted, ignorant, and hateful talk. I believe in the "know they enemy" principle, but I can't read any of that stuff for too long. It's too depressing to think that these mouthbreathers walk among us.

I just love it when the we post cuts from freeper sites that show their sheer desperation. They really don't believe they can lose.....I am gonna love the Bush concession speech!

[2:44PST; 5:44PM EST]


I posted his over on the stillwell diary, but it bears repeating... A friend of mine working on GOTV for Kerry in Virginia just told me that they're hearing exit polls that show Kerry UP by 1 in VA! Don't know how reliable this is, but it's just so beautiful to contemplate...


EVEN if Kerry wins all these states discounting OH and FL for now he only will have 264 EVs. Meaning HE NEEDS to maintain the lead in FL or OH. It could easily flip flop for both of them and we will have gotten our hopes up to only crash and burn. Please keep this in mind and don't get overly optomistic.

[2:52PST; 5:52PM EST]

Drudge is *awfully* quiet today

and the commentary over at the Note seems to consist of "Don't Panic! Don't Panic!" I think I just heard a fat lady warming up her vocal cords....


Isn't anyone else freaking out that these numbers are much closer than the earlier ones? Possible Bush surge? Did we get too overconfident?

Nope. Nope. And. Nope. President Kerry. Nice ring, doesn't it?

Absentee / Early

The folks at Redstate keep saying that Bush is leading early/absentee. I hear on dKos that its the other way around. Any idea where they are getting their info from?

[3:17PST; 5:17PM EST]

The $64 Question

Just as it appears the polsters undercounted new voters and increased registrants and may have underestimated turnout, the question remains: has Rove been able to produce the alleged 4 million Christian Coalition voters who passed last time out or not?

[3:35PST; 5:35PM EST]

BBC Newsnight

For those that are interested in a British take, a RealOne stream of tonight's Newsnight is now available on the BBC's website After watching it, I must say, I'm starting to feel very positive. Especially the bit with the rather sick looking Republican campaign official.

Pa, Fla, Oh.

Please , GOD let these three exit polls ring true!! It's scary close in Fla. and Ohio as expected but it's prime time and we should start to pull away as working people go to the polls in bigger numbers. That's if the CW is right this time? Add in the early vote in Fla. and we should see a big Kerry victory there.

"mainstream" dialogue

The TV pukes are slowly but surely revising their scripts. Where Bush earlier today was "calm and confident" now he's "subdued." Same film clip. And it goes on and on. They've seen the exit polls and don't want to look as craven as they've been for months. (I am a reporter by the way.)

MN, PA, and WI have been solid Kerry

Most of the Results are still well within a conservative polling margin of error of +/- 4.0%, so it would be emotionally unhealthy to invest too much in them yet....although the amazing trend for Kerry looks so good I could eat it!

However, in the case of MN, PA, and WI -- I think if we maybe shouldn't start celebrating, we can at least start SMILING!! Pretty consistent, big margin wins for Kerry in those three which I, for one, was not at all certain of.

The FLA and OH Numbers are still too damn close

I need to see some spread on those numbers. I can't believe that with all the GOTV Efforts, that those two states would be so friggin close.

Now we Buchanan is on MSNBC saying it's highly likely that Kerry will win the popular vote but not the electoral because the heavy turnout is in states that are already in Kerry's favor. Ugh...where's the Maalox and Pepto.

[3:50PST; 5:50PM EST]

whats the story with OR?

i heard from freepland that it is tied but they didn't have exit polls up on their site. i'm assuming its just them being non-reality based, but does anybody have OR numbers. or rather, when can we expect OR numbers?


On the whole I would call this thread cautious but hopeful. (too many memories of 2000 perhaps?) For a study in contrasts check out how Freepers are reacting to the exit polls here. Can you say aggressive? It seems the next four years will be blame the media blame the media blame the media... (ad nauseum) They are even abandoning the National Review.


Republicans are more motivated than I thought they were. This was not the rout I was expecting. Right now I can say it looks like my predictions were greatly overestimated. I was counting on fewer Repubs voting. Still, let's wait and see how it goes. These races are pretty close and exit polls have been wrong in the past.


NA na na na, hey hey hey good bye!!!

Projected Winners

ABC News has South Carolina and Virginia as too close to call. Not since Lyndon Johnson did Virginia go Democratic... way to go, GOTV!

problems with these 3

Wonkette earlier in the day reported that there had been "serious issues" with these exit polls that were skewing numbers toward Kerry. She hasn't clarified that yet. Anyone know more?

Funny Rove Tidbit from Wonkette

Karl Rove Attempts To Emit Human Tears # 6:40 p.m. Naturally, we don't want to jump any guns here. Oh sure we do, we'll jump just about anything by this point. More squawking: A certain high ranking former republican senator called Karl Rove around 5:15 this evening. Bush's brain sounded "dejected" and gave less than a 30% chance for a Bush win.

MSNBC announces VA is closer than expected

Thats huge. I voted in Arlington, VA a couple weeks ago. And I have heard a lot of people talking about voter turnout in Arlington and Fairfax being very good, both being democratic strong holds. If VA is close, its going to be a very good night.

Florida and Ohio, Ohio and Florida.

All's we need is one of them, since it looks like WI, MN, NH are definitely blue. Put the champaign on ice, but remember how it looked at 8:00 EST on election day, 2000.

[4:10PST; 6:10PM EST]

They're spinning

like Linda Blair's head in The Exorcist. Terry Moran says the Bush camp is edgy. Good

Per Drudge

"19:04:19 ET / UPDATE: TIGHTENING: KERRY, BUSH TIED I"N OHIO SHOWDOWN, EXITS; KERRY +2 IN FLORIDA// Exit poll mania spread through media and campaign circles Tuesday evening after exit data from big media sources claimed Kerry competitive in key states.... OH Tied FL Kerry +2 PA Kerry+2-4 WI Kerry+4 MI Kerry+2 NH Bush +7" I don't buy it.


First indication that polls were messed up...

Brit Hume Looks to Early Retirement

By saying that North and South Carolina were, at this point, "too close to call," he said a mouthful. That bloviating bastard has ticked me off for four years. His voice and demeanor say it all: It's over.


Brokaw said SC and VA were still too close to call. I've been hoping for a VA Kerry victory, but SC?! Out of nowhere, yeah?

My GOP friend in the military

"Well as of right now it looks like the country is destined for a Kerry friggin horrible"

[4:17PST; 6:17PM EST]

Fox News - does their mood give it away?

Just turned to Fox News. Is it just me or do they all seem sad? Brit Hume looks like he is about to cry! Do they know something we don't? I hope so. :)

[4:24PST; 6:24PM EST]

If Virginia Goes Kerry ...

Then hold onto your hats, folks. We may be talking 400 EV. [4:42PST; 6:42PM EST]

Take Heart

If it is dead heat in OH and FL w/out early votes, Kerry will win.

Ohio, going, going...

Call me a pessimist, but I think we need Ohio and it doesn't look good [4:48PST; 6:48PM EST]

Faux News

Uh, Brit Hume needs some serious Prozac right now. It is the most low-energy reporting I have ever seen, and you can tell there is some seriously demoralized folks there. Life is good.

The Fox Panel is really really subdued

Anyone else notice that the Panel on Fox seems unusually subdued?


Novak just claimed that his sources in Ohio believe Bush is unlikely to win Ohio.

[4:57PST; 6:57PM EST]

My ballot went in Oct. 20th

I've been gripping hard ever since. C'mon, America!! Don't let me down!!


I am starting to get very nervous about this. Unless I hear something about Florida or Ohio being called for Kerry, I am not sure how long I can take this. CBS has seemed to indicate positive news for Bush. I don't know.

Come on FLA!

Bush is up by over 100,000 votes. This is where we see if the ground game pays off.

Ohio and Florida

What's going on with Ohio and Fla? Bush up big time. What's happening?

[5:05PST; 7:05PM EST]

I just voted in SE MA

Incredible, had to wait behind four or five people even after they brought in extra polling stations. The turnout was amazing, families, kids, everybody talking, pointing, excited. The polling station was in the hall of a local church. Above the entrance to the hall was a quote from John 17:21: "That All May Be One" Amen. I was PROUD to vote for John Kerry today!

get ready for a roller coaster

I'm sure it is goin to be back and forth for awhile. need Pepto. and maybe some dramamine. (and maybe a healthy shot of tequila)


Really there are no words in the English language that sufficintly describes my feelings when I read the wods: "Rove is devastated." Schadenfreude howevver is perfect.

Ugh Brokaw!

In announcing the Obama, Shelby, etc. wins, Borkaw said we are in "trouble." Does he mean we aren't going to take the Senate? Fine, then say that, but don't make it seem like we are going to lose 10 seats!

stunning news in VA

Mom and I are stunned at the mere possibility of Virginia going blue, even though anecdotal evidence has pointed all day to very heavy blue voting in the N.Va cities that might balance off the red rural areas. I never saw VA on any list of swing states. If VA goes blue that is a huge blow to the GOP. Karl Rove et al. must be tearing their hair out over this one. Yeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggh!


Kerry down by 100K in VA with 20% in. Not good. SC and NC are closer though. Go John Go!

[5:21PST; 8:21PM EST]


Just had some guy saying Bush is doing much better in central florida. When do we see the Kerry counties reporting? CBS calls

NC for Bush.


BBC World

- Rep commentator says Bush failure to pick up one Maine EV is "disturbing"


reporting Bush doing MUCH better in the I-4 strip from St Pete to Daytona which includes Orlando ... not a good sign for Kerry in Florida but maybe the Miami area and Jacksonville will be heavier for Kerry this time around.

[5:28PST; 8:28PM EST]

That looks bad

Bush even went up in VT, 6 points compared to 2000? WTF? Based on these four states, it looks like the GOTV for Bush is stellar, and for Kerry it's nonexistant. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue. on Florida surge...

there has been a big surge for Bush in the last half hour. Mean anything?

The CNN analysis on I-4 corridor

I'll bet it's a reaction to the analysis CNN did about 1/2 hour ago on the I-4 corridor being mostly Bush (this is Orlando) - but only 50% of the vote is in, I think, and local news is showing people still voting, so I'm not so sure they can call it for Bush yet. And as for Florida as a whole, the Democratic counties - Alachua in the north, and the southern Miami-Dade counties, aren't in the totals yet. Too close to call yet

drudge is getting funny

this guy is hilarious; he is getting desperate now. he now has 'leaning bush' shades, with florida painted as that, based on the original 17% of votes.


Ken Mehlman crowing about gains in FLA on Faux News


va and nc for bush... but NC is 51-49. Guilliani says if Kerry is pres we need to get behind him!!! That sounds good

[5:44PST; 8:44PM EST]

Lisa Myers

reports that BC'04 is complaining about exit polls not being fair. Boo hoo.

Reminds me

of what happened in 2000 with the Bush people whispering how they had different Florida numbers than everyone else. Makes me worried.

Media now preparing for Bush loss

MSNBC and others are now beginning to deal with (grieve) a potential Bush loss. They are analyzing his behavior and talking of uneasy Bush aides. Maybe they are finally coming to see the light?

[5:53PST; 8:53PM EST]

I hate to be the pessimist

but we are in deep crud! The national numbers and Florida look grim. Anyone who says otherwise is still using the rose-colored glasses on loan from the war folks at the Bush White House. Sadly, I don't think it is even going to be too close. Lord knows I hope I am wrong - and I will state it here if I am, but let's stop lying and start facing reality. I love all of you.


we have one thing in common: I hate for you to be the pessimist too. We're fine. The national numbers are right where they should be when you know what has reported. We're in great shape.

[6:02PST; 9:02PM EST]


still very early, but Bush leading big in Florida at 56-43 with 39% reporting. Ohio a virtual tie with 4% reporting, with PEN having 3% reporting Kerry has a large lead. Bush ahead in Michigan, but it's still too early. I'm worried about Florida.

I don't like that FLA #

MSNBC still has it as too close to call...but it currently has Bush by close to 400,000 votes over Kerry. Please...I can't let the pessisism creep in.

Stop with the panic attacks already.

Why are people suddenly putting a negative spin on everything. Stop it before these boards succomb to mass hyseria. We're headed that way.


makes me nervous.

Watching NBC

Boy, the Bush campaign seems to have everyone out telling us that the exit polls are flawed again (especially in Florida)! Where are the Kerry spokesmen! My wife had been watching ABC when I came home tonight and based on what she saw there, she was sure Kerry had already lost Ohio because of the gay marriage ballot measure. I'm guessing they had been talking to a GOP pollster, but I don't know. Until we win a battleground or something unexpected, it is really hard to stay optimistic...but I'm trying.


Why is the popular vote so much in favor of Bush right now?

need info

what is going on in ohio and florida and pa

just killing me here it is either spin that exit polls are not accurate and gop is winning or the exit polls are accurate i want florida ohio and pa

[6:15PST; 9:15PM EST]


Does anyone else think (fear) that Zogby is wrong. I noticed Bush pulled ahead in Ohio and continues to lead in Florida. Penn is still solidly in Kerry's hands.


White House is saying ol' Jeb thinks they're doing better in FL than exit polling showed. (Sounds like 2000 all over again.) Ohio? We'll see. Still optimisitc.


I just saw Joe Lockhard, Kerry Adviser, on NBC. He looked a little down. I am starting to feel sick. What is happening in Florida?? I just smell a rat.

I am eating my own liver here

I have not heard that Ohio is leaning Bush. But Florida is scary. Miami still hasn't come in and as more precincts report, Bush's lead is evaporating. Keep all body parts crossed.

voting on...

Repubs all voting on "moral values." Oh please, save that for the sermon. How gullible do you have to be to think professional politicians are "morally pure." I say throw those phony moral values out the window. This isn't church, Republicans, we're electing a President.

ohio and florida

The future of the world depends on what the voters voted for in Ohio and Florida, please may democracy prove itself wise enough.

[6:29PST: 9:29PM EST]

Let me try and summarise our reactions

Despite the careful analysis of the pre-election polls that said it would be close, we nursed secret dreams of a landslide for Kerry. So did the Bushites. Great dreams to have but we are Dems and live in the real world. It doesn't look as if it is going to happen, nor did we really have any basis for believing that it would. Exactly the same appies to the Bushites - their hoped for New Jersey has not materialised.

This has nothing to do with whether or not Kerry wil be elected. At this time, 21.27 ET, there is as yet no indication as to how this is going to break.

Don't be elated, don't be depressed. iy is far too early for that. You can still trust what you experienced out there in the streets.

(And if you want a bit of encouragement, the Repubs look as if they are getting into a bit of a mess in the Senate.)

I know what you mean...

I was so optimistic earlier in the day...but now. It's just getting so harder. Florida really has me rattled....

Florida Looking Good

Many of the counties that favor Bush have already reported 90-100% of the vote, while the big Kerry counties are still coming in. Broward alone should make up another 100,000 for Kerry before all is said and done. I think we're going to get this one.

[6:42PST; 9:42PM EST]

For those losing hope

PLEASE - Keep your heads up. Bush has to win BOTH Ohio AND Florida !!! Please don't forget 2000!!! The Bushies are flooding the airwaves with propaganda about bad Exit Polls. They want a PERCEPTION of winning so that by tonight they can claim they're winning. That way, it becomes implanted in people's mind that they've won. This is what they did in 2000. MSNBC said that Florida isn't even going to count 300,000 absantee ballots until Thursday or Friday. I think the reason is that Jeb wants a few days of pro-bush-won press so that they can rig another election. Has anyone noticed how Broward & Dade are the reporting there results late making Bush seem to be winning early on ?? The bloggers got Kerry here, and he needs us to stay positive during this important time!!

I can't deal with Florida!!

C-Span is reporting on their election map that with 65% of the Precincts reporting, Kerry is still down over 300K. Also, MSNBC is showing Bush in the White House where he invited the press pool to watch him watching the returns. That doesn't sound like the actions of a man afraid of losing his job

[6:58PST; 9:58PM EST]

I know you guys are trying to be optimistic

But it's so incredibly hard...... States that should have easily within our grasp seem to be slipping away. I know I know...but it's hard. Gotta keep the faith, gotta keep the faith.

Kerry losing Florida

I hate to say it, but Florida doesn't look real good right now. CNN has breakdowns of the state by county. 52% of Palm Beach county precincts have reported, with a 61/39 split for Kerry. 64% of Miami-Date county is in with Kerry leading 54% to 46%. 87% of Broward County is in with Kerry on top 65% to 34%. Yet Bush leads 52% to 47% statewide with 77% of precincts reporting. That's a tough hill to climb.

[7:18PST; 10:18PM EST]

As a foreigner....

but a close one, I am not happy about how things are turning out guys! Fight it!

I am afraid

FL may be lost. Too big a lead to make up. I am NOT a troll, just a realist based on returns posted at FL State web iste.

[7:57PST; 10:57PM EST]

Turn Out the Lights

Folks, MSNBC just reported that Kerry is underperforming in Cleveland compared to 2000. That's game, set and match for Bush in Ohio, and, consequently, the nation (at best Kerry can get NH and Nev, which at best makes it 269-269). Youth vote failed to materialize. We have all been fed a bill of goods. Moreover, the Senate is looking terrible. Dems have some real soul searching to do, we have ceded the nation to the utter incompetence of Bush.

[8:09PST; 11:09PM EST]

I Don't Know How

But I think Florida is lost.

[8:45PST; 11:45PM EST]

BBC is calling Florida For Bush!

So is ABC ABC News is calling Florida for Bush. I don't buy it! Not to State the Obvious, but We need Ohio or its over.

We don't need Florida! Let Jeb have it! At 11 pm, there were still long lines of people waiting to vote in Ohio, in African American areas... Kerry will win OH, he will win.. We may not know tonight, but we will win!

[9:02PST; 12:02AM EST Nov 3]


CBS reports Florida goes to BUSH. Is there NO God?????????

Well, no, there isn't ...

but that's beside the point. And, of course, if there was, you'd think that there is pretty damn good evidence that this god doesn't get involved in worldy affairs.

i think we're looking at a tie

and we may know why john mccain sold his soul. my prediction: kerry 269 bush 268 mccain 1 1 elector flips, and in a compromise, john mccain becomes the 44th president of the united states. the gop tells us "we gave you a moderate", but they still keep power and get to overturn roe v. wade.

[9:22PST; 12:22AM EST Nov 3]

I BELIEVE YOU we will WIN Ohio

Lets keep our eye on the ball and snare Ohio. THe freepers are worried about Ohio all turns on Ohio, especially if we get Wisconsin

[9:43PST; 12:43AM EST Nov 3]

Fox Calls OH for Bush

Turn out the lights the party's over.

[10:20PST; 01:20AM EST Nov 3]

Don't give up so fast!

CNN won't call Ohio & neither will CBS - they both say it's too close. With 11% left to report, CNN says Kerry could easily close the gap to within 50,000 votes. Apparently there are about 200,000 provisional ballots which would then be key (Ohio's provisional ballots in 2000 were 90% valid).

Keep Hope Alive already!


TOPICS: Society
KEYWORDS: dailykos; election
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To: All
And more pundits with terrible analyzing skills:

All 4 Capital Gang members predict the winner will be project no later than 11:30 ET tonight You know what that means They think someone is going to be a clear winner and it ain't gonna be close.

21 posted on 11/06/2004 9:38:46 PM PST by NYCVirago
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To: plushaye

Thanks for culling some great quotes from a loathsome website. Had me laughing.

22 posted on 11/06/2004 9:42:20 PM PST by dennisw (Gd - against Amelek for all generations.)
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To: Question Liberal Authority

If you really want to get annoyed, go to the Hardball Horserace site at:

They still have the President's EV at 269, and WI/NM/IA/NV not called. It burned me when I saw that.

23 posted on 11/06/2004 9:42:28 PM PST by plushaye (President Bush - YES!! Four more years now! Thanks Swifties & POWs for Truth. Thank you GOD!!)
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To: NYCVirago

A lot of it was based on conventional wisdom and superstition, and it all went out the window. The truth is the liberal commentators still don't understand the mindset of broken-glass Republicans and they never will. I predict even longer lines and wait times in 2008 when people turn up to vote against Hillary Clinton.

24 posted on 11/06/2004 9:47:46 PM PST by plushaye (President Bush - YES!! Four more years now! Thanks Swifties & POWs for Truth. Thank you GOD!!)
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To: plushaye

I was working the polls in the MD district where I live, plushaye.

The lines were incredibly long inside the High School cafeteria where we has a dozen Touch Pad Machines. The lines consistently averaged around 300 people from 10am until the poll closed with no one waiting in line ouside the school.

By the time I got home. Ate and showered, it was well after 10pm. And the exit numbers were looking pretty good. As President Bush started sweeping states south and west of Maryland. And on both sides of the Mississippi.

I never worried about Florida. Though FNC didn't claim it for the longest time. Once the President had Florida, it was all but over. The rest of the states (New Mexico, Nevada and Iowa) were all gravy!


25 posted on 11/06/2004 10:13:06 PM PST by Jack Deth (When In Doubt.... Empty The Magazine!)
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To: plushaye
Excellent compilation my FRiend. Thanks, I had a hoot reading it. It sure is the mirror opposite of us here that night. We were up, they were down etc ..... sure show both sides. I sure did enjoy the read after the fact tho'.

Nam Vet

26 posted on 11/06/2004 10:53:36 PM PST by Nam Vet (MSM reporters think the MOIST dream they had the night before is a "reliable source".)
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To: plushaye
A lot of it was based on conventional wisdom and superstition, and it all went out the window. The truth is the liberal commentators still don't understand the mindset of broken-glass Republicans and they never will. I predict even longer lines and wait times in 2008 when people turn up to vote against Hillary Clinton.

I got the new TIME magazine in the mail on Saturday (they published early this week), and there was a sidebar in there listing all the "conventional wisdoms" about what had to go which way in order for a given candidate to win. They listed about 11 or twelve, maybe three turned out to be accurate this time. And one of those was a gimme: "'Kerry is a great closer.' Well, Not close enough."

27 posted on 11/07/2004 2:12:20 AM PST by Dont Mention the War (How important a Senator can you be if Dick Cheney's never told you to "go [bleep] yourself"?)
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To: Jack Deth
I never worried about Florida. Though FNC didn't claim it for the longest time. Once the President had Florida, it was all but over. The rest of the states (New Mexico, Nevada and Iowa) were all gravy!

It got really weird towards the end. Fox had given OH to Bush but absolutely would not call NM or IA or NV, while NBC (and a couple of others, I think) had given Bush NV but would not call OH. Most networks agreed that it was over, but not one of them would make enough calls to truly make it official; the only way a viewer could put Bush over 270 was by combining calls from different channels!

I stayed up till almost 6:00 a.m. Eastern waiting for just one network to finally give in and admit reality, but by then I was too tired and didn't really care any more. We'd won, and it wasn't worth avoiding sleep any more just because they were all hedging their bets on some longshot attempt by Kerry's lawyers to challenge Ohio (which the Kerry camp itself called "the political equivalent of buying a Powerball ticket").

28 posted on 11/07/2004 2:20:43 AM PST by Dont Mention the War (How important a Senator can you be if Dick Cheney's never told you to "go [bleep] yourself"?)
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To: plushaye

The DUmmies greatest challenge is overcoming their utmost faith in what Old Media says, whereas here at FR we doubt EVERYTHING the Old Media says (and can disprove a bunch of it!).

29 posted on 11/07/2004 3:52:30 AM PST by twntaipan (Bush won a majority of the votes! Clinton never did that!)
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