First off, a belated "Welcome To Free Republic!" to you.
Not only does the hand of MOD strike down those who are truly deserving, but his Vigilant Kindred, and the Knights of the RKBA, also patrol the threads looking for evildoers.
It is our honor and duty, to police our own ranks. And with FR under siege, we shall not stop in our efforts.
Would you care to provide links to these two threads, so that justice might be done upon them?
The two "newbies" who posted it made it like the October surprise against President Bush and got a lot of attraction on FR. These two posts were meant to demoralize the freepers by posting an insignificant story from the NY Times.
Would you care to provide links to these two threads,
so that justice might be done upon them?I just posted them just above. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^