Here's an example of what the bikini should look like:
The differences in color and wrinkle length should be obvious! And even someone who isn't an expert can see the tie-cord problem.
The Miss America Pageant needs to investigate this situation right now, because IMO these bikinis are Speedo knock-offs. Because the knock-offs do not fit the contestants properly, this could very likely affect the results (already the news media is reporting that some contestants are opting for one-piece suits, and I ask you, don't you thing that would affect their scoring chances? It would certainly affect who how I would score with them). I think that Congress should initiate an investigation of this hoax immediately, and I would be glad to offer my services as an expert investigator. Certainly all of the contestants should be individually inspected to insure that they are utilizing the properly specified equipment and that it fits right.
Another scam busted by FR!