Excuse me but does anyone else see a disconnect here? What does what not caring what religion she is have to do with her bringing on to company property an item she had been previously asked not to bring on to company property?
The company is in the right. When you have been told not to do something once and proceed to do it again you are asking to get fired.
The company is in violation of the law if they impose religious edicts on hired positions
suppose a company was into occult practices - and obligated its employees to abide by occultic laws. A Christian applys for the job, and gets it, and is fired for not abiding by that religious law - the business owner is screwed
The mistake the employer has made is one of distinction - they can ban pork and get it to stick with the eeoc IF they make that ban a function of posted non religious policy rather than religious law.
If that was the case - the employee would not have a pork leg to stand on