Posted on 07/31/2004 4:01:03 PM PDT by MosesKnows
Then a court ruled that same sex unions must be recognized in law. Because of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, same sex unions may be recognized in law someday soon. If a union between a man and a woman is recognized as a marriage then we will need some new words to cover same sex marriages and the consequences thereof.
My question is this. What will be the new word when the union between a man and a man is recognized as a marriage? What will the word be if it is a union between two women? Will there be a husband and wife in a same sex marriage or are there new words for those positions? Will a niece and a nephew remain the same? How about in-laws?
I suggest "Unholy Matrimony"
The Paired Perverts.
Confusion beyond comprehension.
The Paired Perverts.
CBI -Confusion beyond imagination.
I think a more proper name for it would be Same Gender Union. We are different genders, not different sexes. Sex is something we do, not something we are.
'Smerge,' 'Smerged,' and 'Smerriage.' Coined on FR many months ago.
My nephew lives very very happily with another man. Yet I know heterosexuals who have had 3 to 6 divorces. That is worse. Especially when they have CHILDREN. But divorced people just rag on and on about the gays. The gays mostly just want to be left alone. If anyone is SERIOUS about marriage being between ONE man and ONE woman, there should be NO DIVORCE period.
Marriage = matrimony
Spinsters = spinstrimony
Bachelors = bachelormony
and continuing the march ...
Juveniles = juvemony
Large Choirs = harmony
Animals = animony
Plants = biomony
Currency = monimony
GED/SAT Exams = testimony
Numismatists = centimony
Hollywood Stars = acrimony
Criminals = crimony
Fish = piscimony
Just FYI, the challenge won't be on 14th amendment grounds. The 14th applies only when the gov't classifies people. The gov't is not classifying people as homosexual or heterosexual and denying them rights on the basis of that classification. Any man can marry a woman, whatever his sexuality, and any woman can marry a man regardless of hers. That doesn't really address the problem as the gay activists see it, but the 14th amendment is constructed so that it isn't applied in this case. Their argument will be either Full Faith and Credit for Massachusetts marriages or a 5th amendment due process theory claiming marriage is a fundamental right being unduly burdened.
On topic, watch the cultural fight over the word used. Most gay activists are schooled heavily in the theories of postmodern deconstructionism, in which words with negative connotations are "tools of oppression" and using different words to define different concepts is "segregation".
I would disagree. Sex is what we are. Gender has only to do with grammar and nothing to do with human sex or sexuality
Sex is the property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions.
Gender on the other hand is a grammatical category used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be based on characteristics such as sex that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
The word sex is often used to describe intercourse as in; "we had sex" while "we had gender" is virtually never used. I believe the incorrect use of the word "gender" came into vogue when political correctness implied that the word "sex" could be offensive to some.
So you're saying: Intercourse is sex, sex is gender not intercourse, and gender is grammar not sex.
Intercourse is sex - Yes, if you clarify it a bit, sexual intercourse is sex.
sex is gender not intercourse - No, sex is not gender
gender is grammar not sex - Yes
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