The emblem you pretend to hate is that of the National Socialist German Workers Party. National Socialism was based on private property coupled with national responsibility for the poor. The rich were to pay their "fair share" to support the poor. National socialism was large amounts of government control of the economy coupled with the efficiency of a single person in control.. HItler called it the Fuhrer princip. Today it is called the Dean phenomenon.
The Philosophy of Germany's National Socialist party and the philosophy of the USA's 21st Century Democratic Party are nearly identical. Hitlers Germany came to power on the idea that industry and the rich should be taxed to pay for benefits for the poor. That tends to get a lot of poor peoples votes. That was coupled with the desire to blame the worlds evils on the Jews.
Think of it. The Democrats today increasingly side with the people that want to kill all the Jews. Howard Dean does not know if Osama is guilty of anything, but he and his media friends are quick to condemn the 'Evil' of the Israelis.
They believe in private property very tightly regulated by government to benefit the poor. They use that to retain power.
The only thing the Democrats lack to be Nazi's is the Fuhrer prinzip.
Wait a minute!! Howard Dean is an angry man trashing all those who have power and stand in the way of his grab for power. Dean even trashes our government just as Adolf did his countries government 71 years ago.
Look at a Dean rally and look at those pictures of Hitler speaking, and shouting venom in 1932. With Dean the Democrats have it all. Even down to the Fuhrer principle. Yes I know Dean is married to a Jew. Did you know that Hitler's paternal grandfather was a Jew. Hitler was 1/4 Jewish.
The leftists don't realize it but they are accusing the military of being what they are themselves.... National Socialists. Our military is a force being used to allow ordinary people in other lands to govern themselves. The Left is a force designed to gain control of peoples for the furtherance of the state. Hitler could only say Sig Heil to their efforts.